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Guilt of the Brass Thieves

Chapter 2 ADRIFT

Word Count: 1776    |    Released on: 06/12/2017

eather suitcase an impatient kick, Anthony Parker

of a shed out of the hot afternoon sun, grin

r all, this is a vacation and we have two w

l about it?" her

fully along the far rippled shore. Not a quarter of a mile away, a ferr

ss?" Penny asked after a moment. "It seems queer he would fail us

her of the Riverview Star, a daily newspaper, s

our o'clock was the hour Mr. Gandiss

o the numbers plainly visible on the shed. "Obviously

s us to spend two weeks at his island home and then fai

er length bob which the wind tossed about

ating a dot of green land which arched from the water like t

at his watch. "It's starting to cloud up, and may rain in another half hou

s read 'Tat

d, picking up his suitcase. "I've had my fill of this! We'll spend the

ss well?" Penny inquir

her occasionally when he came to Riverview. I must h

time if only we can g

rker added thoughtfully. "He has something in mind besides

ing a boat?" P

diss doesn't think enough of his guests to meet them

mper or patience, the publ

excitedly. "I think someon

ed from the direction of Shadow Island. As Penny and her father hopefu

her said, observing a sandy-haired,

case in hand, he w

he young man at the wheel leaped

g Penny's father, and bestowing an apologetic

Mr. Parker inquired,

the boy grinned. "Hope I hav

ut given up," Mr. Park

our. Fact is, I was out on the river with some friends, and didn't rea

lent swimmer, she too enjoyed sailing and all wate

. Parker interposed, glancing at the sky

elessly. "Those clouds are moving slowly and

under the seat and then cast off. In a sweeping circle, the craft spe

being blown downstream. A stiff breeze churned the w

ed at them above the whistle of the wind. "He was held up at

tored. Settling comfortably in the leather sea

around here?

er. You'll l

ressed and the sleeves of an old sweater bore smears of grease. Steering the boat with finger-tip contr

thly along, its railings thronged with people. In the pilot h

claimed. "A girl is h

She's the daughter of Captain Barker who owns

oat eating out of her hand," M

in started teaching her about the river when she was only three y

ompletely beneath his notice. As the two boats drew fairly close tog

e when we were at the dock," Penny remin

ally won the trophy last year. Before that I held

" Penny com

ave gained. "It's just-well, she's so sure of herself-so blamed stubborn. And it's an

r. Parker inquired,

engine coughed. The boat plowed on a

Jack exclaim

e, the engine d

ut of gas," observed Mr. Pa

l the tank before I left the island," he confessed ruefully. "My fa

uel aboard?" Mr. Parker asked,

ant island. The current had caught the boat and was

get out the oars. And it

ly. "We haven't any aboa

own newspaper plant, he had no patience with those negligent of their duties. Because he and Pe

mered. "But we shouldn't be stranded

No small boats were visible. The ferry, plying h

tly blocked it from view. Waves slapped higher agains

of rain. However, they watched the shifting clouds uneasily. So

. But not for many minutes. Soon a ripple of breeze ruffled the

Parker said tersely,

as swept from her head and went sailing gaily down river. Waves which broke higher

nchor-" Jack murmure

f a motorboat engine. Straining their eyes, they pierced the w

cried. "Now we'l

Closer and closer approached the boat, but t

a moment that the occupants must have heard their cries and

fting motorboat well to starboard, and

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