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Guilt of the Brass Thieves

Chapter 8 7

Word Count: 1905    |    Released on: 06/12/2017


he Sweeper had slouched away. "However, his information

to see the girl under suspicion. Instead, he escorted the party to his private office. R

nd sweater. Her hair was bound beneath a dark net and she wore goggle

rl was Sal

ubdued and embarrassed, her eyes

ishment. "I had no idea you were working here


rl's factory badge. There could be no m

?" he asked after

sed truthfully. "However, I

d the River Queen," Mr. Gandiss resumed, trying to be fr

her eyes were red and she looked tired. "Pop didn't want

suppose-or perhap

ege edu

ling the serious charge against the girl, becam

very good. I've tried, but

he sought. "What do you do with

m aside." The question

we are having a little tr

f trouble, M

disappear with alarming regularity. Most of the theft

s' steady gaze. Her chin raised. "I've heard talk about it

who may be takin


. Gandiss started to speak

hing else?" Sal


I return t

rk here, Sally," he said, feeling that a friendly word was necessary to end the interview. "If you shou

htly in assent. With dignity

es after the girl had gone. Th

y was working here,

have accused her of ste

I accused he

that way. You don't really believ

to think. Joe the Sweeper may

ght?" Jack demanded. "Sally is no thief. I've known her since she was a kid. I get might

n will be taken without far more conclusive evidence. Now suppose you and Penny amuse

Penny and Jack w

ack asked indifferently. "They s

ht of iron stairs to an inner balcony which overlooked the huge blast fu

in front of one of the furnaces, cle

le capable of holding a hundred and fifty tons. An overhead crane, operat

was turned into recta

before it is ready to be taken from t

n a stripping shed observed cranes with huge tongs eng

, surprising Penny with his knowledge. "After stripping, they are p

Penny the most fascinating process of all. She could have watched f

tered toward the room where Sally worked. A portable lunch cart had just supplied hot soup and s

blame her," Jack commented. "Who is Joe th

clined to agree in his second observation. Although she knew nothing of th

ief lunch period came to an end. A whistle b

" a foreman told Sally. "Yo

djusted her machine and started it up

d. "She never was cut out for factory work. And that forem

idn't like Sally

uare deal, that's all," Jac

he couple. "What's the verdict?"

ded not to

l going to

ck answered coldly. "Why do

eper muttered. "She ain'

ending over a grinding machine, looked up self-consciously. She was grinding pieces of metal, measur

re was a loud clattering noise. The forem

ally gasped, shaki

curtly. "Ruined a piece of work too! Now try to

a few minutes later, in leaving the workroom, they again passed close to Sall

Sally?" Jack asked

ically placed the metal in line with the wheel, she held her fingers t

y saw what was

ed the girl's hand away from the swift turning machinery. The

usly annoyed. Shutting off the machin

drained of color and she trembled as from a chill. "Thanks," she said brokenly to

not unkindly. "A nice long walk. Get

n," Sally said i

hrough a beginner's stage. Get yourse

," Penny said, taki

long rows of machines to the locker room. There Sall

she excused herself. "I can't see

Do you really need

ducation, but Pop could raise the money somehow. It's just that he

kers," Penny resumed. "Do you realize that you

ber. "I'll always be grateful to you. What Mr. Gandiss sa

it. Well, forget the en

. "I'll have to go back to work now," she said wit

neck, the girl opened her locker. On the floor l

slipped from one of the pockets, thudd

article from view. But she could not hide it from Penny who stood directly be

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