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Hope Hathaway

Chapter 2 No.2

Word Count: 1720    |    Released on: 06/12/2017

e dingy road stretched through the mountain valley, grew a scrubby clump of choke-cherry brush. Some boys crouched low upon the ground behind these bushes, screened from sight of possible

er's face. He drew his shotgun closer to him, resting it upon his knees.

stay with the bunch!" The big boy brought his awkward length down upon the ground, continuing in a lower tone: "I'd a darn sight ruther be on my horse drivin' him back on the range than waitin' here for any fool school-teacher! But we've got this job on hand. No schoolin' for me-I'm too old. It'll do for

is he'll lick us to death,"

the lickin'! He'll be glad enough to see us come back in a month or two, I'll bet! And he's goin' to find out right now that it ain't no use to bring any dog

asked in a sweet, soft-toned voice: "What if the old man takes a noti

then lay low and watch our chance when the old man ain't around. I ain't figurin' on any lickin' to-day, you can bet your boots on that, but I'll take a darn good one before any more

his twin. "But what if the fellow d

hink-we're a lot of babies? I reckon we've got fight in us! You've got to st

haled half to death," sweetly

agery in his young soul expressed in his countenance. The soft-voiced twin gave a short laugh. Something like admiration shone in his eyes for the young lad, but he retorted sweetly: "You shivered! Don'

erfoot, all right. Wait till he gets down by that rock there, then let him have it, one after the other-f

the feller we want

in't nobody else goin' to come along this way just now. Lord,

on," said the other twin. "He's lookin' over this way. Yes, he's com

otgun carelessly toward the stranger, fired. At the signal a volley rang out from behind the bushes. As quickly the horse took fright, stopped stock still, then wheeled, a

the horse raced past, on up the gra

ed over three very uncomfortable boys, and a r

u were trying to frighten me to death? Or is that the way you treat ladi

for a school-teacher that father got to teach this school, an' we took you for him." Then more hopefully as he regained his feet: "But our guns wasn't loaded with nothing but blank cartridges. We was just goin' to frighten him away so t

ther to know about this-or y

if you wouldn't tell

sually fight my own battles; if necessary, I can use this." A quick mo

ou ain't a-goin' to hurt u

do you? Well, that's goo

is kids," answe

rst names. Yours," she commanded, looking at the s

"We know all about how you can shoot. You're a dead one!" His face took on a certain shrewd look and

y seemed sud

work, don't you? We'll overlook this shooting affair. I don't know as I blame you very much for not wanting a man teacher, but of course the shooting was very wrong, and you shouldn't have tried to frighten anyone; but we'll forget all about it. But you are not going to have a man teacher, and I am different.

ly built, followed him, while the girl took the small boy by the hand and started toward the school-house. At the

said Dave gruffly, attempting to forc

the new school-teacher severely; thereupon the soft-voiced twi

t inside, "Dave's the youngest,

, as she arranged the small school for the day. "But the

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