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Hope Hathaway

Chapter 5 No.5

Word Count: 2766    |    Released on: 06/12/2017

rily. "I'm just about tired. Climbing mountains is a little out

"It's through that sheep-ranch there. We always used to go that way b

se it is shorter-I can see that, and we'll trust to luck t

t's gettin' dark pretty blame fast,

the almost invisible gate-the girl who had that day appoi

side the field, and the side-hills along which they were obliged to travel were rough and dangerous. It was late, and

followed the new line of fence before. Their horses slipped upon the sides of steep inclines which became more rocky and dangerous as they proceeded. Darkness increased rapidly. One horse in the rear fell down, but the rider was upon his feet in an instant; then they dismounted and led their horses, traveling along very slowly in Indian file.

e!" exclaimed Hope. "This isn't t

up to it to find the road that goes to th

e've been," si

o' idiots,"

said with relief. "I think we might go right up to the ho

it," sugge

hing on earth I would do-peek into anyone's window! I am not

ust eatin' supper,"

ill be no one around to see us then. I w

led the way, while Hope and the boy, Dave, followed close, and the youngest boy trailed along somewhere in the rear. They

erself that she was in a hurry to reach home, but as they neared the huge, flat-roofed sheep-sheds she slowed up her horse, which had g

y, a sudden suspicion entering

what's goin' on," replied Dave

k! We will wait for him here." Then angrily to the boy: "If you k

in' till I missed h

'a' done no good to 'a' gone after him. Anyway, we wouldn't 'a' left you alone!"

er desert a lady, no matter what danger she may be in. But what a temptation it must have been to you to follow him and bring him back to me!" There is no doubt but that

. The girl took him by the sleeve. "You're a bad boy. Next time ask me when you have an

oungster. "There was two men eatin' their supper. The boss wasn't there. I he

surely there are no sheep h

e road a piece," explained the soft-voiced twin.

ns to the girl, then crept forward. In the darkness she could not tell which one it was, nor did she care. She was filled with excitement and the longing for adventure which the time and place aggravated. Had they not that day formed a band of secrecy-she and her three brave scouts? It occurred to her that it might be the sheep-man returning with a

t's get the horses over by the fence so's they can't hear us." The twin led the way, taking a wide circuit about the spot from whe

id the girl. "Wh

ght just as well make a good job of it an' kill off Livingston while they were getting rid of his sheep. These two fellers have just come over to guard the road from the house to keep the men t

hey're going to pile up the sheep and kill him

There's more'n a dozen men out there at

r there where we can see what's going on, and the first man that tries to drive a sheep out of that corral gets one of these!" She patted the barrel of her rifle as she pulled it from its sad

o boys were the terror of the country. Their hearts sang a heathenish song of joy at this new adventure. Surely they were

hat if we should be too late! Oh, it

altogether much less noise than the girl, who seemed to

ne's 'round. Those fellers by the road 're just

als? She grasped her rifle firmly, and her heart beat quicker at the thought. The soft-voiced twin must have felt the same fear, for he came close and whispered in her ear: "The corrals ain't more'n a rod, right over there. We'd better make a run for that bush there on this side of it, for the moon's comin' out-see!" He pointed upward. A rift had come in the black clou

It might have been a signal. Back in the hills a coyote called weirdly to its mate, but before the last wailing note had died away a sharp report sound

heep into the gulch!" c

dryly. Instinctively the breed boys crept behind her, leaving her upon one knee before the heap of brush

a sound came except the occasional bleating of a lamb, then the gate of the corral, which was ajar,

them think there's a whole regiment here. There's four of us. Now get your guns ready. Good; now when I start, all of you shoot at once as fast as you can load. Aim high in that direction. Shoot in the air, not anywhere else. Now do as I tell you. Now, all together!" For two or th

d dogs," exclaimed a twin in glee.

softly. "That would be downrigh

and. Murder? Do you call it murder to kill one of those beasts? You mean-you mean that they killed him! I forgot for a minute! Oh, it couldn't be that t

own by that rock. They'll ketch us sure!" She drew back into the brush again, waiting until the two men, w

ept from the brush and took the opposite direction, followed clo

. Don't let anyone see you, whatever you do, for if this was ever fo

ed Dave. "We know how to do that! Th

e any that belong there. I will come later. If they ask, say that I'm in bed, or taking a walk, o

u come along with

never think of such a thing. It is the wisest way, besides I have other reasons. Now don't stand there all night talking to me, but go, unless you want to make t

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