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How Canada was Won

Chapter 4 No.4

Word Count: 4513    |    Released on: 06/12/2017

kes a Su

oon realised that the enemy were in two parties, and guessed that the four redskins making for the hidden canoes were unaware of the presence of the trappers. It was important that they should still remain in ignorance, and, mindful of this, the young fellow had made not a sound as he departed. The bush and the thick leaves of the tree had hidden him from the keen eyes of the e

m the tree and the reeds, and hardly had the

s down," he bellowed

dashed through the reeds, his tomahawk in his hand, while Mac went bounding after

blackguards!" he c

he barrel poked out through the leaves and for one brief second followed the crouching figure of one of the redskins, who was making off through the forest. A loud report startled the silence, and as Tom dropped the ba

ong musket. "Three of our number picked out one of these enemies, and he died at once. Another was struck by a single bullet, and he lies t

nded, the shouts and whoops became even greater. But now that the rifles of the trappers had spoken so suddenly and unexpectedly, the babel became even worse. Painted red

, they are firing." While he spoke he rammed fresh charges into the two muskets with feverish energy, his eyes all the time roaming from the surface of the river to the figures on the far bank. As he had said, it seemed more than likely that Steve would reach th

enly. "There are others who are attempting to reac

. He knew that even in the excitement of all that was occurring there would be ears on the far side of the river listening for sounds of an enemy, and he was well aware that a broken branch, the crushing of some piece of brittle drift wood, would give the enemy on the f

commotion in the water on the far side of the frail craft, a red hand gripped the gunwale, and as he looked the hideous painted face of the Indian came into full view. His leg was thro


ng his tomahawk and leaning towards Steve. "Come nearer,

side. And very fortunately for him the rain of the previous night had coloured the river a deep brown, so that it was almost impossible to detect the whereabouts of anyone beneath the surface. The Indian s

but a pale face would attempt such a man?uvre? By taking his eyes from me for even a second he throws his life away. His

x's weapon screamed past his ear. A miss was a miss to this redskin warrior. He had n

fact that Steve had not yet appeared. "It is long since he dived. His breath cannot

of water on to the surface of the river. But there was no sign of Steve, nothing to

ed, for their keen eyes had been watching the contest, an

e face. Steve knew well enough that the man who reached the canoe first would have the game in his hands, and realised that were he to venture to the surface on either side

e store canoe," he said to him

re he had left it, and in a very little while he had it to his shoulder. It was not the place he would have chosen for a shot, for it is no easy matter to hang to a frail canoe with the gunwale tucked as it were beneath one arm, and lift a heavy musket to the shoulder. However, Steve was not the lad to miss such an opportunity, particularly when the safety and

Steve. Look out for those other

wed Jim. "Yer can't paddle away f

as thoroughly drenched, and no doubt some moisture had leaked into his powder horn. He look

y come up I will club them with the butt. My p

which penetrated the side of the canoe, while a second chipped a big corner from the end of his paddle. A third lodged on the rock by which he and his comrades had disembarked,

you can," shouted Tom. "Now, boys

is accustomed coolness, even though his only son was in danger. Jim and Mac followed his example, while Silver Fox stared for a moment at the foremost of the two redskins swimming towards Steve. He dropped his musket suddenly, fell on his face and slid down the steep bank into the water. None

ill settle that fellow and Steve will get clear. Hah!

don't hear. The water's in his ears and I

o deal with. Suddenly the water swirled in front of him, a hand shot out of the muddy depths and the fingers closed about the tomahawk which the man carried between his teeth. Then, as the draggled feathers of Silver Fox's head

a good chance, and I reckon we've made a few of the critters sit up. K

made in the big bed of osiers, and having pulled in the second

aid with a smile. "Talking Bear is the only one who has suffered.

, then," growled Jim. "How many

s on the far bank, that makes five," s

c. "There was two kilt by the first volley, an

skipped through the forest at a powerful rate, and I doubt that we should ha'

y Irishman pulled his cap from his he

in this redskin took off through the forest


t an Oirishman to pick up a bhit of sthick whin a row's in the air. Oi caught holt of a fallen branch

ts with French and English colonists, is one long tale of atrocities, of frightful cruelties, of sudden attacks upon absolutely defenceless settlements, of merciless butchery of women and children, and of unheard of tortures practised on any who might happen to be spared for a while. Was it wonderful that the white man, with his natural inclination to peace and goodwill, and his abhorrence of unfair fighting and of torture, should be driven in time to fight as did these red

man brought to the ground was an advantage to the weaker side, and a greater inducement to those who had lost him to wreak veng

t the farther bank. "That leaves the critters jest ab

on of these redskins had been the other way. Supposing there had

us, most likely, and then it would have been all up. As it air we're well out so far, and I say as we owe it to this here Steve and to Silver Fox. Ef this young feller hadn't slipped i

canoes in any other way," said Steve modestly. "If I had

fly," cried Jim. "You m

struck out under the water in th

It does credit to my teaching, and I've done my best to let you learn the life of a backwoodsman. But let us talk of something else. We are not cut of the me

nswer. It was, indeed, a question which required consideration, and even an experienced hun

s them critters is watchin'. They've got under cover, 'cos they found as our firin' was better'n they thought. But they're thar. Them bushes

eep well out of sight. They found the five canoes lying side by side, and at once drew their tomahawks with a view to cutt

a little, father,

them critters c

ith a grim smile on his lips. "Ah. Them varmint wants to make

spoke, and the shots flew through the osiers, s

uch a crossing, and you may be sure that they would not. They would cut down a few reeds to carry their muskets and their powder, and would soon get to this side. If they try that game, we mus

uare, Judge," said Jim. "What's this you

time. At any moment we can destroy them, for a few

r so. Wh

we were to get aboard our canoes and pu

the son of Judge here. Ef yer want to get killed so badly, best paddle clean across an' invite them fellers to wipe the hul par

" ventured Steve, smil

ble, even at night. 'Sides, the moon'll be up soon after the night comes, and w

hen turned as Tom broke in upon the silence wh

han once in the past twenty-four hours. Try him again. I'll be bound he's got somethin

hy they sent four men along this side, with instructions to paddle the whole lot across. Until the night comes they can do very little. But once it is dark they will send half their number over, and then we shall be in danger of attack.

im scratched amongst the osiers

drawled. "Then w

et away. Now, Jim, don't open your mouth as if you would like to swallow me. Do

ers, feeling them with his hand. He tore one out b

on his face. "Reckon, as they stand, a bullet would rip thro

ng out from the far side, and again the l

together, then I reckon a bullet would find it hard to get through. Steve,

, and by jamming the sides into two of the others can raise the gunwales from the water. Then we can pack them with reeds. They'll take a lot without sinking

r of bullets, danced and capered in the reeds. He was a queer and light-hearted trapper. For all his

ad this party no longer. Reckon you've won the place. Boys, we ai

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