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How Canada was Won

Chapter 5 No.5

Word Count: 4693    |    Released on: 06/12/2017

on is Dis

nd mastered the ways of the backwoodsmen and the habits of the Indians, amongst some of whom he was often thrown, his elders had seen that he was a promising pupil, while the redskins themselves had christened him the Hawk, no small compliment from such a race. Then Steve had a great advantage. While learning the ways of the backwoods, he had had an excellent ed

ripping Steve's hand. "That 'ere plan air 'cute. Thunder! One of these here redskin

for familiarity with a person often makes us slow to discover virtues, which, after all, are only buried beneath the surface. Good points, which are

und him out. He's got a bit of your way of stayin' quiet, and openin' his mouth only when he's axed a question or when there's need for a lawyer or a ca

ps back from his teeth, and exposed a cavity reaching almost from ear to ear. It was the

untin' Jim. 'Twould be aisier for ye to stand out there and ax som

rawny fist rested against Jim's

say?" Jim growled

take over the place. Faith, 'tis his idea, and

appreciate," said Tom, solemnly. "Steve, we

o stare at this tall young hunter, noticing his good looks, his fearless and alert appearance, and the good temp

ut a glance at his father and at his old companions soon as

ost use to me. Then we'll set to work. Take your hunting knives and slit two of the canoes down through the centre of th

nd had shown them a method by which they might extricate themselves from a very awkward and serious predi

ovial Mac, as he powdered the pan of his heavy musket. "Have a care, me

far side of the river, and a bullet whistled through the reeds, but fortunately without hitting any of them, though some came very near. Indeed, on one occasion they were in the greatest danger, for one of the enemy, suspecting that they were amidst the reeds, crept higher

n round, and flew in amongst the reeds. "Them 'ere varmint kin shoot

it, and his eye squinted along the sights. There was a sharp crack on the far side, a spurt of flame and smoke issued from the bushes, while a bullet ploughed into the reeds, and thudded heavily against the bank. At the same instant Jim's piece spoke, and as his comrades looked they saw the barrel of a gun s

oading. "Them skunks had got to think that we couldn't shoot. They'll see

the canoes an

r canoe was served in the same manner, when they found themselves in possession of four pieces as long as their own canoe, or almost so. And now they threw themselves on a third canoe, erecting their strips along the side, and pegging

. "We can fill her till the water comes above

, we can have two ships floating side by side, and they at leas

in't you

t. Let's get alo

hunting knives. They kept steadily at the work till they had cut down the greater part of the bed, leaving a thick outer fringe to hide them from the enemy. T

heavy," said Steve. "That was a good idea

till she floated close beside their own canoe. Then they t

gunwale is a couple of inches above the water, s

own canoe. There was still a little to do. At Tom's suggestion Mac cut a couple of stout boughs, and these were attached to the

he reeds in the outer one, and make use of the smoke as a covering. The wind is blowing right across to the far side of the river,

ried Steve. "What

had somethin' in that big head of yours. That 'ere idea air almost better'n Steve's. Set

lver Fox, the latter having meanwhil

nd down the bank, and watch us like hawks. Do my brothers think to padd

wait till it is

belts. A little sooner will make n

nd have some cover, for instance, this, and

a cunning Mohawk, and if a thing could pass his eyes and meet with approval, then it was good. He strode towards

l stop them. They die like buffalo, fighting for their lives. Their cunning is at first as nothing to the cunning of the Shawnees and other foes, and so their scalps hang in many and many a wigwam. But death and loss have taught

of poor Talking Bear, and looked closely into his face. Then he stooped, took the be

n, and a mighty fighter. The wigwam will know you no more, and the men of the war

eemed to fill his throat. For the lad, though a skilful hunter, was not hardened to the ways of the Indians and t

now bears the rapid conveyance of this bustling century. Who of those thousands who pass along the line and look out of the windows at the fascinating scenery of the Mohawk think of the days of which we write, or ever paint in th

I will take that in the bows, while Mac can use the one in the centre. Jim, we'll pile the muskets just in front

the powder fizzling, and in a minute one of the reeds, which happened to be drier than the others, was well alight. Using this as a match, he went all along the load, firing it at close intervals. Then he came back to the stern and made ready to push the canoes out. And meanwhile the flames had done their work. Licking round the portions of

yer war dances, if that'll do yer good. Reckon them 'ere varmint has a

nce that we fall into their hands," said Silver F

hat when they see us floating away up the river they'll be mo

urging against the barrier of reeds which hid the party from the enemy. And as he pushed for the last t

and make ready to swin

at, and shall have to face their

d watched as the barrel of a musket was levelled at him. There was a loud report, a bullet whisked over his head, and smoke gushed from the forest. Then there was a deafening explosion just behind him, and

he'd put his iron jest a bit lower, he'd have plugged Huntin'

seldom made a mistake. He was one of the hardy pioneers versed in Indian warfare who had learned that it is

with him. "Some of these days yer may run into a crowd of them redskins, and then you'll know that the ma

. Now they can fire till they are tired of the game. Wh

ents at the floating target, and time and again the leaden messengers crashed into the reeds, many passing through the outer pile and lodging in the centre of the second one, proving that Steve's suggestion was a good one.

a stop to that. The smoke hid him entirely from the sight of the enemy, while he himself had a good view of the bank, and was well protected by the reeds. He stood in the canoe, a pile of muskets at his feet, and just the top of his head showing above the barrier. Then, every now and again, he straighten

the stream, and that should stop them. They will have to swim or climb, and in either case we can draw away from them. When I give the word,

at abashed and modest, considering the age and experience of his comrades. However, he had no

, why, let it be an order. No hankey pankey, lad. If Mac don't set to and fol

'll be trouble for ye sooner than ye expect. Will

htened their danger. Indeed, hardly an hour had passed when they came abreast of the creek of which Steve had

ome long before they come out on the far side. Reckon they'll give it up and get back to their huntin' grounds. Boys, when we're back at the settlement we'll send the n

ting settlers would put up with such a state of things. Against such

ously, while Jim and M

their backs to this work ef we air to stay at the settlement," exclaimed Jim.

ked as yet, she had poured into the land. There had been no concerted movement to check her. The thirteen States which then constituted our American colonies made no combined movement against the enemy. For the most part they were absolutely apathetic. And while they sat at their ease,

"Let us hope it will pass by and leave our settlement undisturbed.

st reckless and cruel bands of Indians, and

Steve cheerily. "We're well out of shot, and can cut the cano

ftly prepared, ripping the sides and throwing the reeds out into the river. A few minutes later the canoes which had proved so useful were sweep

in the course of seven days found themselves at the end of their river journey. They had reached the lake which emptied into the river, and their coming was greeted by a tribe of Mohawk Indians. Then for two days they trudged through the forest, the Mohawks helping to carry their stores. Above their heads

m, on the evening of the second da

portion of the stores. On the following day when Steve and his friends stepped into a canoe which had been hidde

x, his features wearing their usual impassiveness. "Call should

n the Alleghany now, and a strong stream was bearing them down to their own beloved settlemen

place. And t

s a break in the forest, and very soon Jim and Mac were greeting their wives, while Tom and Steve looked on in silence. They

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