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In the Yellow Sea


Word Count: 3119    |    Released on: 06/12/2017

enthusiasm. Who had been so base as to state that I was a Chinese spy? Perhaps one of the crew who had rescued me from the sinking steamer, and had noticed me in the company of the Germ

upon my prospects,

uts keeping a most careful watch for torpedoes. I

captain. His expression puzzled me, because it gave me

distance. "Am I to be boiled in oil?" This was an

rming answer. "But you wil

the shi

en do not regard you with favour. An opportunity will occur

d. "I swear I am not! Why, you must know

I sa

lieve you, then? What

ves me, c

ed irritably. "What is the fuss about? W

u will be sent ashore. You

fer. Surely your clev

et. The men have an idea that you are mixed up with the Chinese. So the captain thinks it better to

can't travel in China as a Japanese, or

iend calmly. "You m

ay the spy, yo

he impression amongst the crew,

s the use of his being captain if he ca

u with the explorers from the fleet. No one will harm you in our service,

There are several in these seas. That is th

t been suspected of Chinese inclinations, you might have got s

respecting the conduct of the Japanese ships in respect of the steamer Kowshing

are Japanese spies on boar

n replied, rather coldly. "You need not

; "I will try to de

g at the sea, and thinking of the future, until the hour

ps was all we discerned. Whether the Japanese squadron had had enough fighting I cannot say. A

yang Island the distant smoke of some steamer caused the admiral to despatch a cruiser to intercept the vessel, but whatever she was she escaped. My interest in the cha

ressed. The roar, the smoke, the flames, and the rattle of the great fight had all died away and disappeared. The heavy black pall of smoke w

pelting up to the squadron again. Then the whole array proceeded to the anchorage, where some of the disabled Japanese ships had repaired. There we ascertained that the falcon which had flown on board the Takachiho had been easily secured, and placed in a cage; and when, later, one of t

, and yet I was neither kept in bondage nor for a while put ashore. But one day the verdict was

ed to meet them and hear my fate, though it was tinged with despair. Anything then appeared to me better than submission to the polite suspicions to which I had lately been enduring, and even thus my position as an Englishman and a sailor preserved for me a greater degree of toleration than would have been granted to

tely raised army, of which Marshal Oyama was appointed general-in-chief. The division had landed in Corea near the

ore, in thick and misty weather. All hands were alert, though nothing had occurred to alarm us, but when the vessels became discernible from the shore some excitement was manifested, because the natives had never seen suc

berth in search of me, and made the final proposition, a

in their opinion you have not willingly transgressed nor plotted against his Imperial Majesty. Therefore th

for the courtesy. But

dealt with in a mo

rose, and I felt that any dispute was to be a

t I am perfectly innocent. Cannot he send

ewed demand had been translated. "You must decide at once

t, I suppose. What prepa

y the interpreters ashore, and bring back t

eally intended to fit the supposed crime. I was accused of being a spy. The Japanese would

cannot. You surely will not

indignation, and said some

y," he said. "The troop

ich I discounted. The vessel

panions? and shall

an also speak a little Chinese. They will be told that you


compatriots have already done in Asia-Minor and farther East. Put aside the idea of 'sp

expect me

on me, we want to

y well," I said. "How

shall see. This


th cash, and give you a pass to roam as you p

give me a

mmunition. A knife ma

but why

rself torture," replied the young man calmly,

ck; then followed them, and looked around me once again on the Yello

d, though the junks destroyed the illusion, and the costume of the astonished natives dissipated any resemblance to the sturdy west-country fishers of my own land

y of engineers, and after a while they began a long pontoon-bridge in the shallow water, to land the artillery and horses. I was intensely interested in the calm and deliberate manner in which the Japanese set to work. They had ap

ten. I think a fortnight elapsed before I was once more warned f

or brought it

velling dress. Don't look so angrily at me

nese captain was, perhaps unwittingly, doing me a good turn, for some Englishmen were certain to turn up with the army, and with th

e, need no decided measurement, for one measure is sufficient for each garment, as from hip to ankle, or from neck to the knees, as the case may be. In winter, wadding is quilted into the clothes, and several suits worn over the innermost, so tha

to the outer semblance of a Chinaman with a crop of thick hair. The dresser then shaved my face, and made me up, and he be

s a proper pigtail was by artifice attached. When this caudal appendage was fixed, and my whole appearance touch

ked by the presentation of the revolver and some cartridges. I was instructed to rely upon my chosen companion for all else, and for example. We were to travel in pairs, and I was to keep silent, as mu

tive eloquence, to be vigilant, and to look after the Englishman, who was one of those "crazy creatures" who risk their lives in the search of information. The Japanese apparently understood the nature of the ani

ty-eight miles from where we had landed, and in the direction of Port Arthur. The other two scouts were directed to proceed further in the direction of Kinchow, which is at the opposite side of the peninsula, whe

d me that my life had been frequently in danger, and had I remained I must have fallen a victim to the enmity of the Japs. He

cer. If ever in the company of our fleet, or even with the army, and in trouble,

ay to the boat, while Hoko and I mounted the san

val service, and cast upon my own re

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