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Jaufry the Knight and the Fair Brunissende

Chapter 9 THE GIANT.

Word Count: 1621    |    Released on: 06/12/2017

imself with those two dames in a delicious land. Valley and plain

Size -- M

is surprise, the lovelier

e this time you'll not refuse to do the service which

ng replied, "methinks I ne

doth naught but plan most villain acts and set vile snares, bears on his shoulders more the head of horse or bull than that of living man. His eyes are large as eggs; his features horrible;

a distance seen, doth scare away all such as would defend my cause. As yet in fight invincible, he hath despoiled my lands and all the country round; I but my castl

s true?" as

rd, by t

is foe; but you have wrong'd me, and fair Br

ar not, will not die; and

Jaufry was there most grandly entertained by that fair lady's vassals; and mom come, when he had dressed and armour buckled on, bathed well his face and hands,

hed for Felon's coming. Short space elapsed during their stopping there, he suffering in h

n inquired, "i

th all his train. He

hawk most rare as it was beautiful. It had a slender neck, a large beak sharper than a razor'

f, began to wheel about the grassy spot, then rose up in the air to such vast height, scarce could the eye detect his presence there. Some time elapsed, then straightway down

m ta'en, Felon recalled the bird, whi

right precious bird; never was finer seen or one more stanch; and coul

e lady smiling said, "and shall bear with you, I

ar; and when he stood before the castle

d; and with you bring along that idle jade,

here the jade whereof you speak, pray you to point

ing of my words. Give up the

enant is

e up th

r Jaufry said, "where is the rig

re, signor knave; who soon s

its end. You would abuse your strength against a woman having no defence.

then replied, "you shall pay de

his hauberk and his armour rich, buckled his helm,

to fight: we soon shall see upon this

God his prayer; crossed he the drawbridge without noise or vaunt

Thy foes to nail, and let an infidel pierce through T

here the hawk chased the cranes. And when th

are meet such as I?-I, who could

as empty wind. Now list: if thou wilt render back unto the dame who owns yon castle even the small

end to grant me thy good grace: and I affirm I will not quit

ide blinds thy sense. Hence

ield, and flew to strike him with such dire shock, both horse and knight were thrown. But in the encounter Jau-fry's steady lance had broken his shield and pierc

st hour is come, and without m

a blow, it clean shaved off his head. So both were now afoot, and front to fr

in his turn a stroke which made his shield-arm droop. But such the force with which he gained this point his sword escaped his hand. This Felon seei

he giant fiercely cried, "s

intended to conclude the fight; for Felon's sword fell on it with such for

ted to raise his own, which when he held, he turned ag

y! pray restrain thine hand

rom out the ground, "render yourself to her you have so oppressed. As for m

ech had bound his gaping wounds, they laid him on a couch borne by two quiet steeds; whilst

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