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Jaufry the Knight and the Fair Brunissende


Word Count: 1006    |    Released on: 06/12/2017

s of the magic pond. Judge their surprise, their shouts, thei

he had vanquished her great giant foe, and gained the wondrous hawk for the good king. Then, the recital o'er, they gaily took their way, and at the peep of the next following morn they saw fair Carlisle's towers. Leaving their train a little

night, thou shalt

, who divined the man, and meeting him full speed, did with suc

his feet, he reeled a pace, t

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horse to join in the affray. Sir Jaufry went to meet

ood knight," he

the tidings to the king. Good Arthur overjoyed then left his halls, and with a gallant host of knights and lords came forth

hal on you his horse th

egged you arms to follow Taulat's track, Sir Quex exclaimed, I'd fight him better d

ks," the king replied; "an

is side did give him thanks for all the precious gifts he there had sent,-the fair white ashen lance, the yeoman's dwarf and e'en the leper's too, Estout de Verfeil and the captive k

Size -- M

ame, and the great feast began. At trumpet sound, Lucas the royal steward, with twenty thousand pages clad in vests of scarlet silk, bearing fine snowy cloths, vases of silver and rich cups of gold

ords, to arms; d

een, good Mend?"

gth, and a huge head large as a fisher's boat; his eyes like carbuncles or diamonds shine; and then his feet, good sooth, witho

e gallant king, "that I may lear

ng cries. The bird still rose; and when in bulk it seemed no bigger than a crane, it then the king let go. The crowd, all breathless, hastened to the spot, where they expected that their king would fall crushed from that dizzy height. Not so! ere that he reached the ground the bird had deftly seized on him again, and to the summit of a lofty tower borne him in ease away. Reposing there a space, with rapid wing it flew towards the wood, wheeled with a graceful flight, then to the palace brought the king aga

Size -- M


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