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Last of the Incas


Word Count: 2476    |    Released on: 06/12/2017

ersuaded themselves that his comrades had carried it off. The latter, on the other hand, re

had become

at the council of the chiefs, the high import of which he suspected; and instead of throwing his life away in an unequal struggle, he found in Nocoboth

beneath a pile of objects offered by the devotion of the Indians, and was as safe as in the fortress of Carmen. However, like a bold hunter, who has always time to be killed, he had not thrown his weapons away. His first care was, without res

mbled, and Lucaney, Ulmen of the

s, in order to violate the secret of our deliberatio

f my brother, the Ulmen of the Puelches," No

face was striped in different colou

hi approach and ac

sary," the sorcerer s

ung a drum, and a vessel filled with fermented liquor; twelve other vessels, containing the same liquor, were ranged in a circle from one lance to the other. A sheep and a c

the Aucas ask for the

pped out of

f all the great nations desires the end of this hatred. Kelzulepan, my ancestor, Ulmen of the Pehuenches, c

upanqui, the son of the sun, that my ancestor behaved badly to his, and I am ready, in order to extingu

answered, "the hatred which my nation

prove our conduct

emed to refle

let the white slave be brought up; perhaps he will demand that s

done," both

nces, with her face turned to the tree of Gualichu. On seeing her, Pedrito f

nge emotion?" the bombe

silken girdle, six inches in width, and secured by a buckle. The two ends of a square pilken, like a cloak, was fastened on her chest by a topu, adorned with a magnificent head in gold. She had on her neck two collars of beads, and on each of her arms

ery fond of white women, could not, despite their

uaws beat the drum, while the spectators, guided by the sorcer

id bare. He put his mouth to it and began sucking till he drew blood, and the poor child made superhuman efforts not to shriek. The dancing, accompanied by song, began agai

e writhed and behaved like an epileptic. Then the dance ceased, and Metipan, with a stroke of his machete, cut open the flank of the colt, tore out its still palpitating heart, a

t athwart the sky, the thunder rolled with a terrible din, and a blast of wind dashed ov

once a formidable voice, that appeared to issue from

here this miserable white slave as an expiation of you

peal of thunder served as

hi, who in his terror was r

ected intervention to enforc

spoken to his servant. Woe to

. They rushed tumultuously toward the horses, and soon the desert echoed again with their wild flight. The

ssured by the silence, ran up to the girl. Pale as a beauteous lily laid low by the storm, the poor girl had her eyes closed, and did not breathe. The bombero raised her in his muscular arms

only illumined by the lightning flashes. This young and lovel

no faith in his heart, who was ignorant of gentle feelings and sweet sympathies, he, the bombero, the slaye

be dead?

hemy, he uttered almost with respect. It was a sort

her?" he as

ly restored the maiden, who, half openi

I? What ha

ves, she is saved,"

asked, raising her

she had a fresh outburst of terror, close

elf, my girl. I

ing as if in a dream, "I have suffered terribly. Still I can remember long, long ago, bei

d to her as if suspended on her lips. That voice, tho

ing down the harshness of his voice, "wha

ory is that of all unfortunate persons. There was a time when, like other children, I had the song of birds to lull m

with skins to shelter her from the

was cruel, for why did you not let me die? People who are d

d buried her face in her

se?orita; I w

aying in my mother's arms, my father was near us, with my two sisters and my four brothers, resolute men who would not have f

mbero exclaimed, "Is it real

e name my mo

," the bombero said, almost shouting w

r! Yes, yes, I reme

less into her

r! Mercedes, my beloved sister, com

in, and threw herself on the b

, do not leave me, defend

l pass over my body

sarcastic voice excla

r, who was half-dead with terror, with his left hand, leant against o

panic, had, however, fled with their comrades; but they had turned back unnoticed. Curious to know the meaning of thi

. It seems, Canario, that you must be killed twice, in order to make sure that

with me?" Pedrito

xample. And stay," he added, after listening, "do you hear that galloping

us horsemen could be distinguished in the distance. Pedrito saw that he was lost; he kissed for the last time the p

e an end of this; it looks as if th

hear our men, and if we do not make h

Pincheira," Pepe exclaimed, suddenly appearing with h

brothers," Pedri

aid with an oath, "Are the

," Nocobotha muttered, as he b

ironically. "On guard, defend yourselves

the fight began with e

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