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Last of the Incas


Word Count: 2101    |    Released on: 06/12/2017

daughter. This visitor, about eight-and-twenty years of age, and elegantly built, possessed the manners of a man of distinction, and a c

piastres a year; that is to say, about one hundred thousand a ye

gether, and hence, when her handsome cousin came to say good-bye to her, and told her of his departure for Europe, where he was to travel for some years to complete his education, and assume elegant manners, D

his love with him, and Conch

orld, hastened to arrange his affairs. Then he freighted a schooner, and set sail for Carmen, burning with desire to see again the woman he loved,

rise and joy of Don Valentine and his daughter were extreme. Conchita was especially happy, for she thought daily of Sylvio, and saw him through her recollections, but at the sa

father said with a smile, "k

er blushing forehead, which he r

he is a handsome fellow; and you, Sylvio, who fall here like a bombshell without notice, do you suppose, if you please, that I had not guessed for what reason you made a sea voyage of several hundr

nd this merry humour, fell into the arms of the

your joy at meeting after so lengthened a separatio

" the young p

come back. Don Sylvio, you will remain here, and not ret

orously at Conchita, "on condi

one in his turn; I was like that and as happy, then our children take o

e certainty of speedy happiness were blended. They were interrupted by Do?a Salazar entering the room.

ed arrival of Don Torribio Carvajal, resolved to get r

rribio said, as he leapt from his horse

so because you spoke only yesterday,

place tomorrow? Then you, too," Don Torribio continued, as he followed Don Val

often compelled to go to our estates

m, like you, compelled to live as

living at yo

and you will be condemned

always b

id Don Torribio, seating

shall not long enjoy the plea

y s

t I may return to C

only paid a pas

e some months, but, as you said just now,

rossing weapons and dealing a decisive blow, were fe

my respects to Do?a Con

s we have just taken charge of a girl of rare beauty, who has been two years a slave of the Indians, and whom h

o said, in a

es, I believe; she appears very gentle; you know my daughter, she is wild about her already,

man is what she seems to be? The Indians


perhaps an

hat ob

ow? Can we tr

rribio. I can trust the m

r; take m

is a Sp

of the Chilian army? He is now a chief of one of the principal Pa

, that is

Don Torribio, "I trust

e words, Do?a Concha appeare

iero, "I have the honour to pre

hat I have already had the hon

merica, most certainly, for Don Syl

entine; it w

n Sylvio replied, "we met at the h

re of your ret

few days ago; this morning I wa

Torribio could not

, "This rather hasty visit was so natural, that

say something, for he understood

anxiously followed the conversation, while

"that we shall renew here the imperfect friend

e?or d'Arenal will be unable to accept your kind invitation, for immediately after h

bio said, with perfectly

u ignora


ness makes me lose my head. I am like


no secrets from you. Don Sylvio d'Arenal is about to marry my

to die. Do?a Concha curiously followed his secret thoughts upon his face; but, feeling that all eyes were fixed upon hi

I wish you. The first wish, people

Concha answered, deceived

any men jealous; for you are taking away the most preci

to be worthy of her; fo

o dearly," the father sa

rk, nor the look of the betrothed couple, was left unnoticed by Don Torribio, who though not lett

, "you will be present at the festival of

ess calls me to my estancia, and, t

daughter joi

Sylvio sai

t is the more painful to me," he added, with a sardonic smile, "because happiness generally f

now," said Do?a Concha

of indefinable meaning, and re

he truth, se?orita, but t

t is

the lip there'

in some embarrassment, "but I am not a Fre

is t

out adding a word, bow

stanciero said, "what do

nd his words are bitter; I know no

," said Concha,

nchita, for is it possibl

that he is not me

you are going too fa

bering Don Torribio's words, whic

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