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Under the Deodars

The Hill of Illusion

Word Count: 3282    |    Released on: 19/11/2017

d vain their

d their sev

tween their

d, salt, est


to hurry so, dear. They for

going out with any one. Yes, they a

o the world's

led after you, the

he last time,

I didn't dare to write to y

at end since Autumn. What makes you speak as th

know. I've had long

've changed

at I am a miracle of constanc


prickly heat has marked your forehead! Hav

morning reach Kalka at twelve Umballa at seven down, straight by night train, to Bombay, and the

at way. It makes me afraid. Guy,

en days, I forget the odd h

you remembered. Who are those

hey matter to us? Tell me everything that

s, and thinking a great deal.

g of you. You hav

you wonder that I'm di

do. Where was

more I'm known here, the wider spread will be the

. We shall b

ou thi

s any power in steam or horse-

the situation comes

ere. I was only thi

sense of humour than women. No

anything so ugly. W

lked of at the dinners and when He goes out they will stare at Him to see how he takes i

least. Isn't


ou think

at do y

he world reckons it outcasting, the loss of my appoin

above the world that you


h? Your husband? I think he's riding down to Annandale with Colonel Statters. Yes, isn't it div

the use of bringing her into t

ave you ever se


at was

der, of

a sin after all? I wonder ho

ruesome little woman it is this evening!

ng over Sanjaoli; and I thought we should have

means it's foggy all down the Mall. We'll go on. It'll blow a

below. Put on your ulster.

perately and abjectly in love with the wearer. Let me look. Like

on Wednesday our w

us in his old age. D'you like all that fr


o' your

by the t

o' your lo


Janet.' Only wait a little, darling, and you shall

wear out you'll get me ne


I w

ys and two nights in the train to hear you wonde

es and ages ago. It must be crumbling to pieces. All except the Amirtollah

so? What is

How cold it is! Let

r jhampanies and get out. What's th

f I'm boring you I can go home. Here's Captain Congl

n us, too! Damn C

bit to swear much in talking? It jars

ng; and you changed so quickly that I could

lready? What dances am I giving you next week? No! You must have written them down wrong. Five and Seven,

that you had not been go

do I dance with Captain Cong

out with him

ection? Shall I stand unde

es he talk

n talk about wh

must dispense with the fascinating C

e). Do you know w

do exactly. I'm not i

nal constancy,' 'unalterable trust,' and 'reverent devotion'? I remembe

deal more

dance that I shall ever dance in my life before I, be

ver said

is this amount of confidence to be

hat. On my word and honour, I didn't.

, all through the years when I shall be unable to resent

w do y

punishment. There cannot

ven's name

r Place is quite en


I look at another man Never mind. Guy, hav

nturies ago in the Dark Ages,

e what you

man say to a gir

ks on, and that he'll love and honour and protect her till her dying day; and so

ll, an

d honour yes, honour that was enough when she was only a mere wife if if the

rable! It'll

hat you might have done if you had kept your own appointment and your caste here when you begin to look upon

you're taking a stage view of the situation. After the

state of matrim

laugh in that

bsurd! Ah! Ha! ha! ha! Guy, stop me quick or

n't make an exhibition of yours

hing. I'm

little wisp of hair got loose from behind your r

m 'fraid my hat's

dagger bonnet-skewers for? They'

ou're sticking it into my head! L

portunities of comparing

, what i

I don'

y card-case.


e other's man's name. Am I sufficiently humbled, o

r an instant. I was only joking. There! Lucky th

more scandalised

on't like you to

Do I look like a naughty woman! Swear I don't! Give me your word of honour, my honourable friend, that I'm not

't be a

I'm Mrs. Buz

e anne' to

nt n'a pa

tere de

porta co

ait - retrou

matin s

eparaetre s


he rolls her r's

tuff of that kind. Where in the world did you pick up the Chan

wing-room to me, and thank God she isn't as improper as I am. Oh, Guy, Guy! I wish I was like some women and

ry bewildered. When you have quite finished flashing through a

you've been waiting for two hours outside the school in the cold. And now I've met

children. Why can'

but have I ever told you that I have a mother, and a brother who was my pet before I married? He's married now. Can't you imagine

can't make omelets w

I don't see

What do

l I speak

mstances, perhaps

y, I'm

e'd settled al


l! The old busines


nd wh

do you t

ion altogether. What

it. I'm afraid. If

n which I have any notion of Honour. I won't eat his

r meant any

orld do you pretend no

pretence, Gu

ease e

hen you'll mistrust me you do now and you yourself will be the best reason for doubting. And I what shall I do? I s

e desperately unreas

u do when I am only your property stolen property? It can't be, Guy.

not. Won't anything ma

e names later, if I don't do everything as you like. And if you were cruel to me, G

o say that I can trust

dear. It hurts as m

exactly ple

can't trust you, and I don't trust myself.

ou I won't and I can't trust myself to

ay after. I get into my 'rickshaw her

. My world's knocked about my ears and the stars are f

the Fancy Ball. Can't you hear Mrs. Buzgago's voi

the Old Library

! Marge

ed to lie

she a s

bed and li

oing to alter that to 'f

ut the drink. Good-night, little

night, Guy. Don't

ust you absolutely. Good

something to discover whether there's anothe

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