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Lippincott's Magazine of Popular Literature and Science, October, 1877, Vol. XX. No. 118

Chapter 5 No.5

Word Count: 2750    |    Released on: 06/12/2017

ng scraps of songs to herself as she dressed. The captain heard her in his room below, but pretended to be asleep when she came down a

the black snood and tied her hair with a band of rose-colored ribbon. Her

y or holiday

that we have it," glancing about delighted at his luxurious toilet appointments before the low wood-fire. Then she spre

having-cup? Now, my lord, look out upon your estate!" opening the window. "Your musicians have

s she ran down the stairs. "And this air is so pure and the sun so bri

k-punch before breakfast, and smell the cow's breath during the operation. She was milking the white cow herself, while the pseudo se

you'll soon learn, Betty! You'll make butte

then walked on, carrying the soft little thing in her arms. The farm was like the Happy Valley this morning! God was so good to her! She could warm and comfort all these people. Then she turned into the woods and sat down on a fallen log. It was the place where they had stopped to rest yesterday, Neckart lying at her feet. There was the imprint still in the dead moss where his arm had lain. She looked guiltily about, and then laid her hand in the broken moss with a qui

ding on the stoop listening to som

r once in a year. Hereditary gift! In the old Swedish

as she. It was the most joyous of songs, but there was a foreboding

before breakfast?

ain for a long time. Say to Miss Swendon

brook, and they stopped by the little hand-rail, not lookin

the early t

thought the matter out during the night, and being a man who was apt to under-rate himself, was convinced that the feeling which she had betraye

sight her fancy would soon turn to this new lover, so much better suited to her in every respect. For himself-But he had no right, to think of himself. He struck th

rfect correctness and civility; and when Jane managed to raise her eyes to his face she found it grave

ugh the woods to the station, thinking as he went how she was standing then on the bridge in the sunshine, with the man whom she w

re sky above the Sandwich Islands. Now, I remember watching such a dawn on Mauna Loa. Ah-h, you would have appreciated t

stopping in

as this. No stock market or political news in Arcadia, eh?" with a benevolent gurgle of a laugh. "Bus

sty market-place. He had gone back to the world, to his real business and his real trouble. She,

s they came up, more carefully dressed than usual.

hould have been glad to see him again.

ave been making a tour of your principality," she said as they went in to breakfast. "I s

what a great boy Top has grown? And Peter?" It gave her a warm glow at heart to remembe

y young girls are apt to be impetuous in their charities, and damage more than they help," turning to the judge. "These poor people, for instance. Betty had her kinsfolk about her in Philadelp

e trouble and money which Jane has given to that wom

ing's waspish temper generally amused her, as it would have done

ted here?" her hand a little unsteady

ithout a grievance. Now, Twiss, it appears to me, has just ground for complaint.-A shoemaker," turning to the judge a face beaming with fun, "whom this young lady has

t live by his tr

ng up now. In any case,

d the judge, shaking his head. "But I've learned wisdom in the cities. Every bit

ptain. "The Good Samaritan wasn't afraid o

his self-respect. The Good Samaritan k

w that she had done irreparable injury to these people whom she had tried to serve-God knew

ng countenance to Miss Fleming. "We intend to have P

s been stealing tobacco and money from Dave, it appears, ever since he came, and

you, the more efforts you make to reform the dangerous clas

ith theories on every social problem, and were ready to hang it on an individual stable-boy or any other nail

er ear. "I know how these baffled efforts chill the heart. I will explai

asses. Twiss and Betty were friends of mine,

raised presently and rest on the captain, who with a red face an

hat weak old man as if he were all that was left her in the world." She had put Jane before on the general basis of antipathy wh

tied his cravat, arranged his white hair to her liking, stroked his sunken cheeks. Here was something actual and real. She knew now that she had never had anything that was truly her own but the kind foolish face look

ing every day. Oh that is quite certain! Very soon we

en kind to her-kind! She pressed his hand to her breast with a quick glance out to the bright

pulled through this year if we had had to live in the old

leave otherwise!" s

ery law. He could have flung it away where h

ind to her, then: it was only

we must go bac

ther. Go on: I w

t these starving wretches out of a hell upon earth into this paradise, and even they laughed at her want of wisdom: the very money which was her own in the sight of God, and which had lengthened her father's life, ou

ed with a feeble kind of swagger: his voice came back to her in weak gusts of laughter. She laid her hand on a tree, glancing about her with a firm sense

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