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Madge Morton's Victory


Word Count: 1399    |    Released on: 06/12/2017

the girls are willing she should come to us. Tania is such a fascinating little person, with her d

the latter's bedroom indulging in one

ned poor Norah almost to death by dancing in the moonlight. She explained to Norah that she was pretending that she was a moonflower swaying in the wind. I wonder where the child got such odd f

s just a dancer, or had only a small part in the plays in which she appeared, for they never had any money. Tania has lived in a tenement always. The mother used to take care of her baby when she could, and then leave her to the neighbors. But the mother must have been unusual, too, for she taught Tania all sorts of poetry and music when Tania was only a tiny child. Indeed, Tania knows a great deal more about lit

. She could understand better than Ma

a has had such a dreadful time, living with that wretched old Sal, who has made a regular slavey

t. The bright June sunshine flooded the room, offe

May and will be on the really seashore, near you and Tom, that each one of us feels the desire to do something for

any of the things she should. Philip Holt, who does so much good work among the poor in Ta

she wore when annoyed. Her investigations had proved

fine young man and does splendid work among the poor. Madeleine and I have entrusted him with the most of the money we h

thought Mr. Holt had a terribly superior manner for such a young man, and looked too 'goody-goody'! But you have not answered me yet about Tania. Do let

t you into difficulties, but I suppose they won't be serious. What is Madge Morton going

d all along to Uncle and Aunt that, just as soon as I was grown up, I was going to start o

Curtis smoothed Madge's soft hair tenderly-"but I agree with your uncle and aunt; your father must be dead. Were he alive he would sure

at some day his superior officer would confess his own guilt and declare Father innocent. I can't, I won't, believe he is dead. Somewhere in this world he

the autumn, perhaps, there may be some information for you to work on. What is that dr

und of a heavy fall in the next room, a sc

mmanded Mr

ed in the doorway, his solemn, red fa

and the trunk was 'Pandory's Box,' or some such crazy foolishness. She meant to jump out when the young ladies came back, but Norah went into the room with some clean towels, and when the little one bobs her h

s coldly. But Madge could see that she was dr

ould never have brought the little witch here," she murmured. "I'll go and make it

s far from pleased, and Madge's championship of little Tani

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