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Marjorie Dean College Junior


Word Count: 1933    |    Released on: 06/12/2017

Hallites who had co-operated with them so loyally from the first. They had fought side by side for principle. Now they were beginning t

one afternoon in early October. "We would charge an admission fee, of course, and put the money to some good purpose. I don't know what we would do with it. There are so few really needy students here. We'd fi

had booths and sold different things. We had a show, too. That was the time Ronny danced those two interpretative dances I told y

nd devoted to helping the students, I guess. Come to think of it, I would not care to get up a show unless our purpose was clearly stated in the beginning. A few unjust persons might s

so many ways. This is their last year. It will seem queer when we come back next fall as seniors to have almost an entirely new set of girls in the house. I can't bear to think of losing Leila and Vera and

o back to the show idea. I'm going to talk it over with my old stand-bys at our house. You do the same at yours. Maybe s

, combined with an indignant yell of protest from its driver, startled them both

owled. "The young lady that drives it had better quit and give somebody else the wheel. This is the third time she near put my cab on the blink. She can't drive for sour apples. I wisht, i

tly, as she pictured herself giving the irate driver's warning to Elizabeth Walbert

r where she gets off at," threate

Marjorie. "There is no reason why you should not rebuk

Doctor Matthews," inquired Robin in discreetly lowere

rie's opinion. "I tried to encourage him in that idea. A report of that

summons from Doctor Matthews? I was told that he gave her a severe lecture on reckles

e hesitated, then continued frankl

accident had been put before the president. She and her chums had heard the story from Lillian Wenderbla

ferred to the subject afterward to Professor Wenderblatt, he said at the time of their talk that he would send Miss Cairns a summons to his office. Lillian's father said the doctor's word was equivalent to the summons. So I believe she received on

nted. "Very likely Leslie Cairns told them in confidence, not expecting it would b

e is nothing truer than the Bible verse: 'As ye sow, so must ye also reap.' She tries to gain whate

l says Miss Walbert is a talker; that she is becoming unpopular

her last year against her by her own unworthiness? After Miss Cairns worked so hard to establish her too! There's

pals. Last year she lost it by nine. Some difference!" Robin looked her pride of her lovable cous

milton," she commended. "We Lookouts have tried our hardest, but we c

een so friendly and sweet to everyone. Then you have fought shoulder to shoulder with us. Now that we have begun to

o nice, over to Wayland Hall on Saturday evening. I'll have a spread. Then we can

ranched off right and left, the machine slowed down. She rarely troubled the driver

rd. Three letters was the delightful harvest she reaped from it. One in Constance's small fine hand, one from General. Th

n as she went on upstairs. "Anyone I know, well enough

arjorie did not stop to examine her mail on the landing. Entering her room, she found it deserted of Jerry's alway

e had received enough annoying letters to make her dread the sight of her address in unfamiliar handwriting. On the verge of reveling in the other two whose contents she was sure to love,

e envelope and extracted the missive from it. A hasty glance at the end and she ve


ton C

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with you again. I prefer you to keep the matter of your visit from your girl friends. I am not on good terms with Hamil

s sin

Craig H

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