The Letters Of Mark Twain, Volume 1, 1853-1866
Author: Mark Twain (Samuel Clemens) Genre: LiteratureThe Letters Of Mark Twain, Volume 1, 1853-1866
en he reached San Fra
in. No-not home agai
freedom gone. City s
care and business anx
ere at s
he dreamland of a bec
alities of his old lif
sed him-filled him wi
on the verge of suici
ip around the world, a
ed making a book of
cceptance by Harper's
t Shipwreck story en
mbody in a lecture the
ught frightened him, b
eved he could enterta
ght track. As Governo
pt the audience in ha
insisted that he fol
st house in the city
e appalled him, but h
elsewhere, has been
its splendid succe
his immediate future
nce laughed and shout
s and exulting in it.
rtners in the Enterpri
emens and other
long been impossible to more than half fill the Theatre here, with any sort of attr
enclosed call and some telegrams set that
-go there next. Sandy Baldwin says I have made t
et, Red Dog and Virginia. I am going to talk in Carson, Gold Hill, Silver City, Dayto
New York-lecture o
1st December-but I
ntinued from Octobe
ue incident, the st
-[See Mark Twain:
aid him well; he
eed, from his next
ich always to his
uccess, we gather t
s-introductions fr
uished personag
emens and famil
Dec. 4
Annie and Sammy and Katie some ti
n preachers, now, altogether. I find them gay. Stebbings is a regular brick. I am taking letters of introduction to Henry Ward Beecher, Rev. Dr. Tyng, and other eminent parsons in the east. Whenever anybody offers me a letter to a preacher, now I snaffle it on the spot.
j. Gen. Meade. Col. Leonard has received a letter from him in which he offers me a complimentary benef
verybody says I am throwing away a fortune in
., positively and without reserve. My room is already secured f
. A
s plans, and perhaps
e in the East, he was
after an adventurous v
men who believed in
ved offers of newspape
ho had published the
me the proposal to c
the jumping Frog sto
ork, and offered the
Canton, who had once r
us Ward's book. It see
mistake and refuse it
s, and even the newspa
m to venture it as the
d he would publish t
eeks of New York, join
e himself up to a co
meantime in both H
rs in preparation fo
n, the first great oce
Twain realized that
see something of the
the Alta-California
espondent. To his deli
reeing to the twelve
nty dollars ea
t to sail until the 8t
ry letters from New Y
press, and would issu
o New York in April,
nians to lecture, he
ernor of Utah, took
for the venture. He
days after the appe
frightened at the pr
n Francisco, and with
not many, and competit
e two letters writte
et Harte, in San Fran