Memoirs of a Veteran Who Served as a Private in the 60's in the War Between the States
Author: Isaac Hermann Genre: LiteratureMemoirs of a Veteran Who Served as a Private in the 60's in the War Between the States
its perfection, gaudily dressed in spotless uniforms; some on horseback, some afoot, with a carriage as erect and healthful demeanor that the artist could undoubtedly produc
fficers stand in good comradeship. Peace and repose, and a ful
tory, to protect our people against the invasion of a foreign foe, to even invade a foreign land, to kill and be killed at the behest of the powers that be, for an insult whether imaginary or real, t
rather the reverse in all its features. He enlisted in the Confederate service in 1861, when our homes were invaded
und, to bring forth in bright relief, the subject of his work. But I, not bein
th power to adjust in a peaceable manner, any differences existing between the Confederate Government and their late associates. Our Government refrained from committing any overt act, or assault, and proposed strictly to act on the defensive, until that Government, in a most treacherous manner, attempted to maintain by force of arms, property
Government, and under the immediate command of General Beauregard, they fired on the assaulting fleet to prevent a
ederates from carrying out peaceably the maintenance of a Government already formed. To meet such contingency President Jefferson Davis called for volunteers. More men presented themselv
ly withstand a very severe onslaught, but when the Northern Army attempted on July 21, 1861, to have a holiday in Richmond, the Capital
mp, I Proceeded t