Merrie England In The Olden Time, Vol. 1 (of 2)
and abroad, the man of business or the beau, the Cockney is the same whimsical original, baffling imitation, and keeping description in full cry. See him sally forth on a fine Sunday
s, not forgetting that glorious cupola dedicated to the metropolitan saint, which points out the local
ico Path, and the
of the citizens in t
he ceremony of lunch commenced, and, with that habitual foresight which marks his character, the all-important meal that is to follow, duly catered for. The interval for rural adventure arrives; he takes a stroll; the modest heath-bell and t
ks a
it to the account of his smart sayings, and is loudest in the chorus; for when the ball
reasonable. Without considering the different manners and customs of foreign parts, he bends to nobody, yet takes it as an affront if everybody bend not to him! His baggage is subjected to rigorous search. The infernal parlez-vous!-nothing like this ever happens in old England! His passport is inspected, and his person identified. The inquisitors!-to take the length and breadth of a man, his complexion and calling! The barriers are closed, and he must bivouac in the Diligence the live-long night. Monstrous tyranny! Every rogue enjoys free ingress and egress in a land of liberty! He calls for the bill of fare, the "carte," and in his selection puts the cart before the horse! Of course there is a horrible conspiracy to poison him! The wines, too, are sophisticated. The champagne is gooseberry; the Burgundy, Pontac; and the vin ordinaire neither better
ho are homeless by
e for one place than
ame person one wh
ts attachments are
ir remembrance is t
e sp
and condition; bachelors become Benedicks, and widows wives, for three guineas a-week, more or less! It furnishes an extensive assortment of acquaintance, such as nowhere else can be found domiciled under the same roof. Each finds
portrait. If you unbutton his native consequence a little, and throw a jocu
gentleman, who lolled in an arm-chair opposite to an adjoining window, taki
fy is not an individual, but a species,-a slight
! That'
world. Would, for all the world's sake,
hy char
trangely familiar,-impertinent too, perhaps. But that portrait, so graphical and complete, was a spell as powerful as Odin's to break silence. Besides, I detest your exclusives,-sen
aintance, at the same time drawing his chair nearer, and presenting a handsomely embossed card, on wh
looked like
riously his flaming top-knot glistens in the setting sun! Wouldn't give a fig for the best view in the world,
gallows as hi
like antipat
I-would-if-I-could-but-I-can't cottages ornée-ornée?-horney!-the cows popping in their head
ge pair of antlers that were fixed against the wall, under which innumerable Johnny New-comes had been sworn, according to ancient custom, at the Hor
hout was heard to trol
hat tirra-li
hey! the thru
ongs for me
e tumbling
the bottom, descended à plomb, was up again before we had recovered from our surprise, and introduced a middle-aged, rosy-faced gentleman, "more fat than bard beseems," with a perforating
ired us at first sight. There was the humorist, with a dash of the antiquary, heightened with a legible expression that nature sometimes stamps on her higher o
, who had called for a pint of ale and six glasses, having discuss
bonds and sturdy beggars is in full force, seeing that you carol in broad daylight, and on the
in my henting the stile with the merry Autolycus? Vagabonds! The order is both ancient and honourable. Collect th
ept of t
rom Mercury downwar
can steal. Better lose my purse than my patience. Thou, scapegrace
, sir?" addressing ourselves to the midd
erry! Ge
er tha
r men's
pockets be so low, that you might dance a jig in one of them without breaking your shins against a halfpenny; while from the other you might be puzzled to extract as much coin as would pa
nabs and c
rld look
happy a k
owning of
ver dance
e nation l
merry a
ace, or
our ease
ds we are n
ot a pen
e called
ubled wit
l any g
eggar fo
we unto h
als that belong to
most fantastic. H
om, and, coming ne
old!" Some are exce
ngs, fashioned out
hers will do nothin
and so sullen, both
mall company in a
he servants, throug
which is commonly
The "Upright Man" (
g and those "o' th'
ble enemy to the fa
r T
akspeare spiritua
he part of Edg
old St. Paul's was
Church, b
ye have me
writ th
are an
sea and
eming bur
e one half
beg With a
ight-cap on
lery. Jovial
s Henry the Eighth and Edward the Sixth, is admonished to apply the raw material of his trade to an exterior use; * and the tatterdemalions of the Beggar's Opera no longer enjoy the privileges that belonged to their ancestor
, who being desired
mproved upon the pr
ed Mynheer, "I drink
e leg wit
well- known mendicants of St. Paul's churchyard, Waithman's c
Carew Made a
as a terri
, in thei
vered the
hought it prud
the nobs of
was all co
et they
nts all b
the bold Aj
histle a
is fidd
scraper cock
's to be had
go a-beggin
s and gr
our port,
bold heroes
fine morse
y merr
b's doub
e rods for their backs, till the very stones they once swept are ready to rise and
forth, and levy contribution! I am in a valiant humour to cry 'stand!' to a too powerfully re
r rogues, shalt be condemned to live by thine own! Thou 'gibier de potence!' Thou a prigger! Why thou art only a simple prig, turned out by thy tailor! Steal if th
ity shop, thy brain, some pageant of the ancient brethren of Bull-Feathers-Hall.
d gentleman, Mr. Bosky "rosined," (swallowed a bu
ou have not said
Bosky, must no
hing h
l Genera
brave; pa
the Pers
d rocks pe
ntal an
ly potat
en, Miss Mad
walk there,
at potatoes
u please, Benjamin Bo
ously fu
your peeper
your jaze
f yeast o
u next morni
' your casem
y a copper a
t, Miss Case
atured eye that
hew of mine hath as many ballads in his budget as Sancho Panza had pro
bent upon cruelly cracki
ull of mirth and pastime." And Mr. Bosky beg
e was married, t
bachelor laid
Pigtails that sm
done me, and
lodgings in De
for ever! ala
Burton shall wa
joyments are ni
famine, my fram
quarter the
an ail me? I o
erground let this
d Bailey, despa
cut of boil'd bu
t sniff in thos
t sigh over car
porter, and tak
irking, in curls
cream'd! 'twas m
eens, carrots, and
rue love!' she cu
widow, but h
the bucket last
ose-bud, all cov
ine speeches, a
madam, I mea
s a bolus to ph
a widow! would f
mongers' that sleep among the dull of ancient days; but save me from that dolefu
is a description
in 1582. See "Repo
f M. Campion,
n, call in thy
alates are to
st, and mende t
ose thou hast
lly cannot c
toys, blaspheme
oho. Henceforth be the Magnus Apollo of thy native Little Britain, and divide the crown with Th
ch smal
's food for
in poetical matters, thou hast the maw o
to catch
thou triton of
her! Uncle Timothy
ot be f
e world'
thy memory. Onc
out thy jockeyship. I will not ride double. 'Tis an idle tale, gentleme
a fragrant pinch his sa
verything handsome about them.' Their place of rendezvous was the Chequer-Yard in Whitechapel, every Tuesday and Thursday at seven o
hip had declined a
following extract
"A balade declaryng
s gone. Imprinted
one fynde a
tande in ty
rte now, the
des, but fal
d nor lou
g now is fl
the comuted sceptre and sword. The brethren drank out of horn-cups, and made oath upon a book of statutes bound in horn. Their revenues were derived from a toll upon all the gravel carried up Highgate Hill and Hornsey;-Cow-lane; and beyond sea, Crook-horn; Leg-horn; and Ox-mantown paying them yearly tribute! On
Folly occurs in a
ted places near Lon
ry never saw hut o
ted out in Ogilby
ing lately opened, t
strolling damsels,
n, tars, butchers, a
kly Journal, 1
ead at the bottom
following alarming announcements:-"
r the protection o
he squares and that
the city will be
s of horse and foot
e along the New Roa
rom the City Road to
d across the Spafie
urs of eigh
ree officers, and attended by the master of the ceremonies, the mace-bearer, the herald at-arms,
being Shrove Tuesd
whole, at the hous
Islington Road, wit
use where the ox w
" Mist's Journa
a West Indian ter
fed with spice, and
an eminent glutt
ortune of fifteen hu
s allude
more than harp
, gods, a whole
being 13th March
ned at the Prospec
be accommodation
e among the many a
or of "Night Thou
e village confided
and healthf
is cheerful
wl'd for on Monday
elds, a pair of Si
at five pins, each
s at three bowls has
, the money each ma
and a pint of beer
f the
pond, and returning to their starting-post, one of the brethren delivered a poetical oration, humorously descriptive of Bull-Feathers-Hall, and expatiating on the antiquity and dignity of horns. The speech being ended, they paraded to the dinner-table, which groaned
tallest, the fou
leanest, the co
heir cronies ar
best to advance
cobbler, a lo
pedlar, a cou
egrees and cond
ys to wear the
er made three ejaculations, upon which the brethren doffed their hats. Then the master of the ceremonies exchanged his own comuted castor for a cap, and administered to his newly elec
e thou shalt e
ur club;-so wel
; or, The Antiquity
so a Descriptio
Revenues belonging t
f Bull-Feathe
tract produced at
ngs, and at Stret
dious, visit the offence on the Lauréat of Little Britain,
hed, that obedient functionary, who was as neat as his wines, entered, bearing before him what Mr. Bosky facetiously called "a good afternoon," to wit, a brimming bowl, in which whiskey had been judiciously substituted
y push roun
nter nights
ire wrapp'd
g of lamb's
was brew'd b
uiet still
r my Lord i
ing Will on
see it sparkle
t runs me
te monarch
y deservi
the spring and
's stream t
est dew of t
good fello
he heart o
up truth fr
Lord Bishop
the curate
glad spirit s
ns the spl
see a hole th
n the sly t
und the glas
s to whiske
each man, whi
santly ove
hing remark
to nap is
t a blanket
or three sheet
, and lo! it hath inundated us with buffoonery. Sirrah!" shaking the identical plant that Dr. Johnson travelled with through the Heb
con mi escopeta!" w
ebrated Spanish b
s defiance to his half-smiling half-sulky mouth. As a last determined effort, he shook his head at Mr. Bosky, whereup
dearest friend I ever knew! But I owed Uncle Timothy a revenge. Of late he has worn a serious brow, a mournful smile. There has been melancholy in his mirth, and sadness in his song; this, he well knows, cuts me to the quick; and it is not until he is
cifer's tattoo with his right leg, and began fum
Uncle Timothy with nervous impetuosity, "on whose birch-provoking little body
jamin Bosky! don't-d
ugh sometimes I may too far presume upon his good-nat
or chilblains, * and strewing the inside of my bed with horse-hair to send
heart that I had done aught to displease him! Now, gentlemen, the murder's out; and if for blabbing family secret
tentious, and adopted the bowwow style)-"I cannot but blush, deeply blush for thy morals, or rather, Benjamin Bosky, for thy no-morals, when thou canst thu
earthquake at Lisb
an apprehension of
ertised his pills
can lavish on our benefactor, is the silent aspiration of the heart, and must not, good Benjamin, be placarded on every wall, like a play-bill, a lottery puff, or thy rigmarole ballads, three yards for a penny! There is not a being, however humble his station,
fe's sweet
body part l
s, murmurs
sigh, an
ng with him than right with anybody else. One more volunteer from the L
enjamin Bosk
ar Uncle Timothy,-shall g
e rear'd me, how
r lets not my t
le sweet tears of
pray'r for his
his name, though
g bosom, for fear
re angels thei
good, for 'tis t
in full song, and showered forth his wit and eloquence in glorious profusion, beauty following upon beauty. Thus another Attic hour glided imperceptibly away. The midnight chimes at length admonished us to depart