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Mimi at Sheridan School


Word Count: 2371    |    Released on: 06/12/2017

Inn. She felt her eyes with the back of her hand to be sure there was no trace of tears. Nev

s done. She was up with all her notebooks; had clinched every word of her Spanish vocabulary, and today had written the f

dn't be so bad but I am good. I can dodge and pivot and shoot. Yes, I know what I've resolved to do. I am going to spend every spare min

out having a "busted snoot." First place, I couldn't wear an "S" if I had made the basket ball team; n

ondering if there is one "s" or two "sses" in dessert). Chloe has been sweet, too, but she acts so strange. Every time we are alone she a

to find you and then I should die! It's no fun to have you if I can't tell you my very insidest though

tting p

ue and the Delphians want Chloe and Betsy is already a Ruskin. I hate to see our suite family split up. Maybe I won't join either. They seem silly, in a way; the Ruskins braggi

ly is some

called at the door o

diary in the top drawer of her wardrobe trun

nd her hazel eyes were unnaturally bright. But she didn't s

ing training?

, since-the other night, I've de

er on a graham cracker and forget it. Another advan

both forget it. You see, Mimi, I came to thank you for keeping me out of a scra

don't know why I ever butted in, an

"I am in school this year on borrowed money. I wouldn't have come at all if I were not going to graduate. Su

let's forget. You-you make me

grandest all around sport

a confidential mo

She keeps going around saying it was all her fault but she is going to make up to y

a candy bar and a letter from Jean. Before she left for her practice room, Chloe

if you touch it. Chloe's mother must have been beautiful, too-and what about her father? All the girls knew about Chloe's family was that her allowance came from her Aunt Marc

ar. She had been eating and hoping Chloe would leave as Sue had but Chloe see


impetuous hug s

ueer?" Mimi

queer as I am," Ch

, qu

u about it and maybe you'll understand. Oh gee, I am supp

d me about

e co

Be a lady of leisure while you have a chance. If you were sup

she had closed the door and Mimi

to the gathering?" she heard Olivia ask s

hink called this meeting?" The

ething nice" is going to ha

to organize as one class. The very first week of school they had done that and old girls had carried president, vice-presiden

enough. It was something she had been off and on unofficially but now

e couldn't sit still, it was short. It took Betsy five minutes to have President Gretchen call the

of the fifteen rahs coming up from the chapel ell

e same yell was repe

hree" but the rahs were so low and snapp

nding. It was; "Mi

ry blue ey

w Tumble Inn down or will you o

ll the Preps. They piled on the beds, propped against the window sills and the radi

st a great forward. But even this dark cloud has a silver lining. By this loss she has gained a great cheer leader.

. This was a signal to begin the song. To the clapping o

est girl I

r comes

tell you all

nk I was

e pep of th

of the pop

e pep of th

of the vin

od old fash

you cann

pep the peppiest

chorean style with that cotton in one side of your nose,

via. She was grinning from ear to ear,

much for this honor. Olivia is right. 'The spirit am willing but de flesh am weak' as my Mamm

er finished. Mrs. Co

nd office work and college classes going on around the building in spite of

the tails on her serge skirt flopping behind her

ay 'kill-joy'?

to take me down when I'm so thrilled. Oh Betsy," Mimi moved tow

rself?" Betsy a

embrace. She was such a sentimental little p

te," Sue said, "and it will be all

guard of the previous summer, could hear it. However, she didn't say so. She never mentio

bids. Betsy, forget you're a Ruskin and tell me what to do? I am thrilled to death they want me, but to

in," Sue i

Why is it the

it." There it was out and she wa

u h

loe spoke quietly, but she was p

hat does that make me? Nothing, abso

had courage enough to refuse. I am proud to know you. Whatta' girl!" Then realizing

d," agreed t

ed secret. For the first ti

dy-of-the-worldish as she sat do

ink bottle. Betsy offered two sheets and two envelo

first and then copy it," Mimi sugge

It sounded sophisticated and mysterious. She really did not know what mysterious was until later, when she found out about


arious reasons, it is impossible to accept. Believe me, that



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