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Mink Trapping


Word Count: 1523    |    Released on: 06/12/2017

t believe them, says an experienced Canadian trapper. Some say that mink are afraid of human scent.

y to get a skunk I had hidden, and on reaching this particular spot I saw as before, my tracks going one way and Mr. Mink's another. I never thought any more about it until I came to the next patch of snow, and there were his newly made tracks beside my own, and some


nk; but I do say that it all depends where the human scent is. If a man sets a trap and

at the entrance shaped like a straight stemmed pipe, only make it large enough for the trap to set in nicely. After that, set the trap, twisting the spring around to the same side of the trap as already excavated, and taking the dirt

step on the pan of the trap. It is better to have it too far back than too close, as you then run a better chance of getting your mink. Also have some musk or some reliable scent, and put a few drops on a stick a short distance

shyest mink, says a Maine trapper. The places where mink are sure to go are into holes, dens, hollow stumps and logs, and to m

ave keen smelling organs; boil them in ashes and water, also boil them again in a kettle filled with fir or cedar twigs, and a

around use their own musk, mixed with fish oil and salt to preserve it. This i

ning into the main creek and mink track in plenty. Well, what was I to do? I must set a trap. I took a piece of the hind quarter of a mink. Being a green hand at the business I did not know w

but ran a stream over the trap, out of the hole. I used no bait. But I believe I caught every mink coming that way. Every mink caught of course would freshen up the place with

ke a hole at one side and get your bait in spite of you. At other times he will crawl over all your stagings and reach in, like a monke


ood or the scent of the female mink, that does not say that we should mix them all together and expect it to catch every mink that comes along. Would you expect the mink to distinguish the smell of each of

s I think comes skunk essence and it should be sprinkled around quite freely, as the fox is not afraid of it, like some trappers are, and it als

se and set your traps near these places. Of course you must study the nature and habits of your game or you will not know how to set the trap after you f

the mink or weasel, mixed with anise oil, is the best decoy I ever used, says a Minnesota trapper. This scent is fo

he whole works looking for something a weasel has overlooked, and he is mighty lucky if he don't get in the trap. Canned sardines make good mink bait,

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