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Monsieur, Madame and Bebe, Complete


Word Count: 2236    |    Released on: 06/12/2017

evertheless by no means unpleasant. The matter of the kiss has never been completely explained. It happened just as I left Saint-Cyr. I was full of ardor, and the cravings of my heart sometimes bli

ettiest woman in the world-coquettish, elegant; and what a foot! and, above all, that delightful

s might have led. Her husband, General de B., being my direct superior, it might have got me into a ver

frequently to Madame de B.'s, as perhaps you do also, for she keeps up a rather good establishment, receives every Monday evening, and there is usually a crowd of people at her house, for she is very entertaining.

ng me with a suspicion of mystery, said: "My mistress expects to see you immediately, Monsieur, in

, such words sound queer. The old affair of the kiss recurr

or, and heard at once an o

," exclaimed a

-"No"-"You are absurd, my dear, since it is an affair of

ed, "Come in," and

mpossible to describe, amidst which my aunt was bustling

rling-tongs, half hidden in the ashes; and on every side little pots, paint-brushes, odds and ends of all kinds. Behind two screens, which ran across the room, I could hear whisperings, and the buzzing sound peculiar to women dressing themselves. In o

nt, and without turning roun

hearty burst of laughter, like all women who have good teeth, and added,

t her face was painted like that of a priestess of antiquity. That gauze, that atmos

f, looking about me, "must be mad t

oing to play, aunt, in su

ed out a laughing voice from

u," came from behind

ladies; what ca

'tableau vivant', 'The judgment of Paris.' You know 'The Judgment of Paris'? I take the part of Venus-I did not want to, but they all urged me-give me a pin-on the mantelpiece-near the bag of b

re dressing in the billiard-room, and in the Baron's dressing-room, they perhaps may need you. Madame de S. and her daughters are in the boudoir-ah! see whether Monsieur de V. has found his ap

, Captain, my cuirass crack

s, one of which, covered with glittering rings

cuirass crackin

ut make haste and

noise! Ha! ha! ha! it is charming, a regular gang of strollers. It is exhilarating, do you know, this feverish existence, this life in front of the footlights. But, for the love of Heaven, s

e and I said to myself, "Captain, you mi

y aunt; "ten o'clock is striking. Ernest, can you

a!" said some one

d be very singular if, in the course of your cam

ve some ideas about liquid white, and by

tain, that it ca

uple of logs put on the fi

Beauty" into a little onyx bowl that was at hand, then I dipped

id this she looked as prim as a vestal. "It is the first time, do you know, that

of the screen, breaking into a laugh; "when one acts

nt? Come, giv

of which was spread that light and charming dow

"it is like ice, a regular shower-bath

which led out of the Baron's dressing-ro

plutter all over me!" exclaimed the Ba

the matte

hind the screen; "my cuirass has split. Ma

back, your horrid white is running

it. I am real

hand down my bac


e is room for a drop of water, there

time at the door ope

is i

dame," said a footman. "Wi

essing in the boudoir. No, certainly not, do not lig

g of you. Mesdemoiselles

of the evening. It is an indirect compliment we wish to pay to the Cardinal's nephew; you know the dark young man with very curly hair and saintly eyes; you saw him last Monday. He is in high favor at court. The Comte de Geloni

hevalier of the Ord

think that he would not be sor

ut tell me, aunt, am I not brushing you too hard? Lift up your arm

ewhat excited. Monsieur de Saint P. took high ground, really very high ground; indeed, I thought for a moment that the General was going to flare out. In short, no one would have anything to d

eable for the De N.'s to appea

him, so you see that social proprieties are observed after all. Come, have you done yet? My hair is rather a success, is it not? Silvani is the on

, aunt. Is it long bef

ing before all these people-don't the flowers drooping from my head mak

ng-room she tapped at it gently, say

horribly nervous. Are Minerva and Juno dressed?

to the company in the drawing-room. My

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