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Motor Matt's Daring, or, True to His Friends


Word Count: 1479    |    Released on: 06/12/2017

." "Mister Man had a little surprise-party sprung on him that trip. Now it's down-hill-see us scra

s way now and then. Tie something around the side of your

head, at first. I'll tie it up

ace Perry is somewhere ahead of us on a horse.

in' of a jolt. If Perry smashed that wireless machine in Ph?nix, he didn't

aw the two motor-cycles leaning against the wall of the house, and he didn't have to guess

Matt, that Perry did

ught we could fix the tires, while if the motor-cycles were sent on to

a minute! Whenever he lays out to do a thing, he's right on the job fro

place, Chub, and smashed the wireless instruments. The way we got hold of that letter on the bridge has raised trouble with Hawley's pla

not built for rapid work, but I guess I'll do with you for pacemaker. But see here, why didn't we pass Perry on

een thinki

y did it in the hills this side of the canal. If he saw us coming

Chub. "He had some reason to

him we were on the way with the location notices." A grave look crossed Matt's face. "Something's going to ha

and were surprised to see a man run out of

got back from wherever he was

for us," added Matt, "an

where the boys had stopped, "I've been doing a pile of guessing

e up on horseback, and a man in a freight-wagon happened along at the same time. Perry hired the man to carry our

to the spring getting some water, some one sneaked into the house and smashed the wireless instruments. What's goin' o

in' from dad, Del?" p

xpecting to d

's five miles northwest of here," and Chub went on briefly to tell of his father

, you and Matt'd better hike right on and help your father out of his difficulty before it gets any worse. And keep your eyes

wered Chub. "Where were you when

if I could locate the scoundrel that smashed the wireless

part of it w

your eyes skinned. I've got a gun in

ggestion reached them, and Matt did n

through a small barranca, the boys came to the old pack-trail. A gully cut through the wall

trail ain't much more than a bridle-path, an' I don't know what sort of

t over the pack-trail on a horse, I g

I don't know such a terrible lot about the trail, Matt, but I

. "Keep a good watch ahead. If you see Jacks blo

y it was narrow, and there were places where bunches of cactus grew so close that the boys had to leave their

e boys had to do some hair-raising stunts in following a bit of shelf with a sheer drop

asier ground. Huge piles of rocks flanked both si

es behind him and to the left of the trail. The voices came from a considerable

that pile of rocks on the left. Some one's coming

r-cycle around the heap of boulders referred to by Matt. Matt followed him, and they screened

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