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Motor Matt's Race

Chapter 4 M'KIBBEN'S TIP.

Word Count: 1812    |    Released on: 06/12/2017

e matter of business. Mrs. Spooner wanted to come up and announce me,

ill side-step the truth. However, Matt couldn't very well tell McKibben that Clip was in the closet, and he didn't see how he could re

" said he, "and he wasn't there. I can have a little ta

iends, and the sheriff dropped into

queried Matt. "Has some one turne

, is an altogether different matter, although the roadster is indirectly concerned. You were out this afternoon with Clipperton, McReady, and P

tt. "When you open that red roadster up s

ld's old gang. Fresnay has only seen Pima Pete once or twice, and one half-breed looks a lot like another, anyhow, so Fresnay didn't think very much about it at the time he got his horse back. While he was riding into Ph?nix though, he got to turning the matter over in his

how it. Fresnay was a source of peril for Cli

more information, if I could get it. There's another point, too, which looks a little bit queer, in case Fresnay has got it right. He said he saw the half-breed hand Clipperton something that looked like a scrap of paper. Fresnay may have been wrong in this-I hope he is-for if the half-breed really prov

ben g

g toward the door. "If you can find Clipp


g to play square with the sheriff and at the same time be loyal to Clippert

the house had closed behind him, Clip emerged from the

my uncle. And he saw him smuggle that note into my hand. More t

dissatisfaction o

with Pima Pete in this business of Dangerfield's. Cut Pima Pete

it is Indian blood." The fiercely resentful look gleamed in Clip's eyes. "Pima Pete came here on Dangerfield's busin

e my advice you won't go near Pima Pete, but you'll go to

gesture of s

he spoke, "they might try to take me out of the public school and send me to the Indian school. I've-I've stood all I can on account of my blood. I'm not ashamed of it!" His head went up again and his shoulders went back proudly. "But I'm not going to be an object of contempt for the whites of this town. At the high school they've been trying to down me be

with an undernote of firmness and

the question, and he knew how resolute he always w

mine, and of yours, and he'll respect your confidence. While you're doing that, I'll get onto th

moment, then walked up t

er. Besides, it's my duty. Another thing. I'll not tell McKibben, nor any one else, what Pima Pete is

re spoken slowly

ma Pete and warn him. I'll start as soon as I leave here. But I'll put on some other clothes

ly knew w

muttered, "this business would have a diff

ours," frowned Clip gloomily.

es, Clip, you'd have done the same thing, and so would I. I'll go with you out there. Then, if anything should come of it, I'

hook h

my life I mean that. You say you're a friend of mine. Then prove it by stayin

t softly, and made a cautious sur

ning back for a moment, "and I can get


he house and start for a back street on his way to the Mexican quarter. His Indian bloo

His judgment told him that Clip ought not to go into the hills,

longer, he paced the floor. After that he tried to

nly toss about sleeplessly and think of Clip. He heard the clock in the court-h

d. Somebody was pounding on his door. Rubbing the sleep out of

as gray in the dim light, and he was

puffed. "Clip's been arreste

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