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Motor Matt's Race

Chapter 3 CLIP'S NOTE.

Word Count: 1765    |    Released on: 06/12/2017

a heap more'n a dollar ter hev him corral Ole Beeswax. You boys'll beat me inter Ph?nix, easy enough, but I got time ter jog along an' gi

shouted their good-bys to Fresnay, and, after Matt had "

car; but his thoughts were busy. While Welcome jabbered in his usual strain, and Chub

member of a gang of smugglers headed by the notorious Dangerfield. With a few others, Pima Pete had escaped at the time Dangerfield and most of his gang had been capture

ave been of a good deal of importance, or Pima Pete would

ican quarter. Chub and Welcome were still in the car, and Clip merely gave Matt a significant look as he waved

ront of their home, and stood

ked Chub, with a curious look at Matt. "W

d Matt. "Don't a fellow ever do a little

ome. "Whenever you talk it's like a lot o' words rattlin' in a gourd. Now, Matt an' me's s

ld parrot, you can talk more and say less than any

on you to-morrow,

g kept, cleaned it up a little and made sure that everything was all

e had dusted his clothes, and paid his respects to the wash-bowl, he dropped in

for Clip. It was a vague sort of feeling,

of Clip's, the half-breed was safe so far as Clip and Matt were concerned, but if any

dy, Mrs. Spooner. When he got up from the table he had decided to find Clip at once and get at the contents of Pima Pete's note. He went to his room after his hat, and when he

laimed Matt. "I was just th

Maybe I shouldn't have come here. But I f

slow in guessing that Pima Pete's note had

att, lowering his voice and set

t happened. When the cowboy

e gave yo

m you, Matt. I was afraid Chub and

. I could sw

d when he was captured? That there

brows. He had n

d I remember, too, that I was to he

r he mentioned his mixed blood, a savage defiance blazed in Clip's face. "I reckon th

that-on your

le. Then he wrote that note and waited for us to come back. He didn't dare enter the town. And he wa

ut seeing us, and waiting for us


's the

ima Pete's my uncle. I can't take any chances. Ar

yes. But Dangerfield was a lawbreaker, and I'd have to k

night and get the gold. It's Dangerfield's. Pete says Dangerfield earned it honestly. Dangerfield's father is an old man, and lives in

Matt's troubled face. Matt was

ke the work!"

hat may be honest money, but how do we know? Why didn

vernment would confiscate it. You see, the federal lawyer would thi

pt to get our fingers burned. Besides, it isn't a good thing to tangl

swarthy face. For several minut

ney," said Clip finally. "He can't

is," suggested Matt, "

his shoulders. "He didn't reckon there was any harm helping Dangerfield run

ould put Pima Pete in a hole, too, if the officers knew he was skulking around near Ph?nix. Take my advice, Clip," Matt added earnestly, dropping a hand on his

how himself anywhere. If you and I don't mix u

in over the problem

take a thousand of it, if he has to have it, and clear out. In two or three days, when your uncle has had time to get into Mexico, I'll go to Governor Gaynor, lay the whole matter

While he was thinking the mat

lips, moved softly across the room and into a

but Clip was a queer fellow, although a fine one at heart, and d

him, however, and Matt stepped

heriff, stepped

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