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My Austrian Love

Chapter 6 No.6

Word Count: 4320    |    Released on: 06/12/2017

n I enlisted I thought there would be much sport. There is very little. I also thought that it would be soothing for my sorrow. But I am still mortified, though you probably do no

other sheep do, namely, follow the lead of our bellweth

us up. He believes in it. And he fights for something: for his commission

r so from the firing line, we decide, three of us, Cotton, Pringle, and I, to call u

his bandage all over the nose gives him an Ame

, and tries to count the thre

the Sergeant, "thinking is the drawb

re th

vain against facts. I'm as sure that you are

ree of us (for we are thr

by the way, promised me to use his influence with the first ge

you had better tell me why we are two and not three. If i

ringle Cotton gives another P.C., therefore the three of

in that," answers

not affected?" inquires

American nasal pronounciation), "that there is something the matter with my brain. Tell me, when the other day I tried to be

nutes," s

" I co


ld have thought that it was hours from the vis

tance, by an experience of Lord Holland, who fell asleep when listening to his secretary reading to him, had a long dream, and

e," observes Pringle, "it must have been

nds on the kind of food one had last, on the amount of its several c

ctful Pringle, and turns to the

it was

ans which for many days had been chopped there into mince-meat. And remember, our men had done it this time without the help of St. George and his Agincourt Bowmen. There were tho

we could have broken through, but we had no orders to advance. I suppos

scientific principles, they thought at first that we had employed an unknown gas of poisonous nature. But the

when I saw suddenly two men in a red uniform, with black tippets and with a red feat

ess does not seem to go exactly as we h

what costume to put on and on what occasion. If the English have called to their help the Angels of Mons, we will

ss!!' said little

devil, quick to our aid!' cried t

heard a g

ur, Allhighest Superde

ed like the two others in red and black, appeared. I need not give you a furth

e crooked mousta

ve called you to succour


greater general than thou ever wilt be, I do not dare t

l shrugged his Imperial s

s! Hither! Come and gra

ed, an insignificant look

Treitschke, I am good only at writing about f

e Superde

ther! Sweet devil, hig

bulky and fat, unable to hide all hi

elegram for you; but when you ascended your Satanic throne your first move was

t he had become mad. Moltke declared that, having been a silent man during all his earthly lif

spered something in the e

ustache, 'receive my Imperial thanks. I will give you a supplementary I

ce more,

ked one, Hostile one, Strong one, thou

ll with a big head and wore a sailor's beard under his chin. He had no red

to my own immortal work. Some call him Richard the Second, and some Strauss the Second; Second he may be, but never First. And you have abandoned my poor family when you refused to prolong the Copyright of my works, my poor wife who had been so heroically unfaithful to her husband for my sake, my poor son who in spite of my undeniab

r. It was not filled with blood as you may believe, not with t

not noticing that the glass jar was not covered. He began to pray; li

vel of the highe

crow this time descended and remained soaring

berry jam of England is changed into plum ja

ody threw water on my

ast," says Cotton, "to judge from the rapidi

ll remember, Sergeant, that we were talkin


have given your Wagner-Devil one of my favourite ideas to t

e strong

kle about Richard II. and Strauss

ge so narrow that only one sheep at a time could cross the brook which it spanned. "And now, little Pat," she would s

dream yarn, he may himself have got rid of his cold. Well, you are mistaken. It is not a trick, and the intermezzo of the preceding pages has its im

a bad

n, I take this opportunity to inform you that it is, of course, like the splendid, brilliant, luminous, glaring nose of one who has such a cold-such a cold may be called a bad cold, bu

our Mr. Doblana recognizes with real regret that he must interrupt the lessons and will be unable to charge you for the time lost; when the doctor must be call

soo l'towvo," which means: "This too leads to the best"-you see, being on the classical side I was taught Hebrew in the Special Class and never forgot that sentence-then, m'dear, you will only remember

great, primitive emotion, and that to her nothing else was worth thinking of. She was taking care of me and seemed ma

y intelligent fellow, and we sympathized as much as such a thing is possible between two individuals of thirty years' difference

und Table had seemed to me. This was the beginning of a series of conversations, during which Doctor Bernheim

rely German, nor that of Hungary entirely Magyar. In both halves of the country a large percentage of Slavs was to be found, among which the rising Czech people, both intellectual and industrial, could not be neglected. Of late years G

and German Poles into one Kingdom,-an Italian question, Trieste and Gorizia as well as the

d by the clerical party, which was jealous of the ever brisk busines

where contrariety and quarre

loved only Italian, French, and Czech, but she loathed the modern Germans for their utter lack of feeling. On this point as on so many others there was complete agreement between her and me. I had myself observed that the unriv

nts, when by degrees an agreement of affections is changed into

ch I cannot forget. Simply it was that Mitzi sang to me. It was the fourth or fifth day s

Mitzi herself that day went into my life. What she sang mattered little, short folksongs, I believe, quite simple, yet

ion began. Slowly, vaguely, feelings came to me. Feelings, not thoughts. They were all inside my breast and

e a little, and encourage me, I will write an opera for you. There is something exceedingly tender and

ess I had suggested. A little phrase as, for instance, "That would be nice!" would not have cost her much. Any English girl would have said it. True, it would not have meant much, ei

u will be able t

Mitzi, I will be ab

when he is in love. Her apathy made me suffer, and my wretchedness only stimulated me. S

childish, and if you compose somethi

hat you had a c

u d

. I said '

no great d

y that the same hour which saw the birth of m

ue. Amongst other things, they sting

it does not interest you, to whom my philo

acbeth as he had suggested. Should he not be willing to write a libretto on the basis of those wonderfu

therefore hardly tell you what the next step was. And, still considering that Mr. Bischoff was the first Viennese actor, and had refused offers for mere translations from a London firm at ten shillings a thousand words, you will easily imagine which figure I asked Daniel Cooper & Co., Ltd., to

erspective of my opera. She was really winsome as she thanked me, oh! so winsome. Yet, to-day, after years, I think that it was very foolish of me to make her such a gift. Most men

not payable to me but to Mr. Bischoff. I am sure this mischievous move was caused by mother. For while father's letter was nice and gentle as ever, and while he stated being sure that with such a librettist I would ach

f the third sex, viz.: the artists. There was no probability of his being able to give me change for £50, and, candidly, I did not trust any artist sufficiently, especially not Mr. Bischo

aviour proved clearly that I was in love, an accident that had befallen him in former years every six weeks, so that he had a sufficient experience to pass judgment on other people. Now, if even Hammer saw my uneasiness,

h your opera," he asserted at las

, "I have no

you make such a face as if

magine. And I must have looked at him for a long time, say, twenty seconds, which is much longer

£300 cheque to my father, and to ask him for several smaller cheques which I could hand Mr. Bischoff in proporti

the fir

the mystery which Mr

allet Griseldis, which he had

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