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My Austrian Love

Chapter 8 No.8

Word Count: 4477    |    Released on: 06/12/2017

ghter. I told Mitzi this while we were going home through narrow, dark streets, as becomes thieves and lo

s, or he would say no, but in both cases you would have to leave our house at once. Father is no artist, he is a trader in music, and he is meanspirited as all tradespeople are. He does not understan

kiss her again. But although there was

ill love me?" she


id that this always sti

Mitzi had sung herself definitely into my heart, we halted. She looked at me, and I opened my arms; for a moment she laid her

nto her room, a

next day came to

e to play L

not the woman who tries to be stronger than man and who breaks

baby was smiling in her face she would have dashed its brains out, had she sworn to do it. I know that art can receive a new meaning from all s

cbeth this very night. Was this not a wonderful proof of her love? And she had not re

tion was beyond me. All I

Macbeth a beautiful, flexible cat in the f

rather an empty sentence, and that you are n

a composer; and as a composer I believed that I need not think so very deeply, if only I

charming girl, yet probably somewhat insignificant. The other was an eminent artist, gifted in many respects. Instinctively it was the latter I loved. But to love a woman means to conque

d authorship. If I were to use the language which I have learned here I would have first to

me and, as he wanted a thousand crowns[1], he br

it was my wish to see the r?le of Lady Macbeth performed by Miss Doblana, but that this must fo

t work to a beginner, for this was what people generally believed. How many times have I been warned during the following months no

retto is any good, and should it remain as it is, I will

yet been on the boards, and you already have a

ody yet has thought of making a music drama of Macbeth there a

e seen it. It was worth while. He took it

, turning to me: "I did not expect, when I came here, an adversary to whom I

do with what you call my criticisms. At this moment I am no wo

else; yet this very thought reminded me of the fact that Bischoff would bea

over these possibilit

on. He does not do anything by himself. The witch

ches are but a symbol o

is entirely overshadowed by her. Now, such a character may be interesting in a spoken tragedy, but not in music-drama. Further: Macduff is a typical

ainst our sche

all that does not concern her directly. I suggest that you make the first scene of the prophesy of the three witches, which is a grand opening. Then must follow

ou do with Banquo's ghost, if, a

is. Finally, the third act should be the scene where the Lady walks in her sleep. After this

rfere. I am modest, I have reported that to you already. If I were not, I might have told you that M


r having been distrustful.

impersonate a mere monster. I consent to be a cat first, and a sick child afterwards, but I must know why-I will not be content with nice p

as now Bischoff's turn. As for me I had my favourite feeli

gine, if I may use this expression, in front of all she says, to carry him away. However, she shudders before her horrible words and deeds. She seems to shut her eyes not to see them. She is not a mere monster, to quote your own words, she is a poor weak woman, who loves that one man wi

I fear t

' the milk of hu

thou woul

d'st thou

fill me top-full of direst cruelty.' Again, she suffers when she cries: That my keen knife see not the wound it makes, nor Heaven cry 'Ho

ely afterwards she says those ho

feeling that it is too much. In short, the woman must continually appear under the mask of the monster, and this is the reason why I see the Lady cajoling her husband like a beautiful, flexible cat during

k! P

hat shriek'd, th

the stern'st

unable to commit the crime herself, when she says t

not re

he slept, I

nning to end, Lady Macbeth as a woman,

ds must no

s; so, it will

as if by magic, love and pity for Lady Macbeth in the hearts of the audience, and never be a vulga

said Mitzi, "but I am no

ng to me

etter begi

arted that v

the blue

that blooms on the high Alps, it is not Rickett's blue, it is not Prussian blue, which is, parenthetically, out of fashion just now, nor is it the blue

f us, namely, Charlie, G

and feel

," states

?" asks

Pringle, and I fini

en we


ng, feeling th

to be wet

," explains

isn't champagne

sighs Pring

back into

"Sergeant, have you still go


weather has hampered fighting on the British front,

sworn an oath that I would not open that bot

n it to celebrate the

the Dardanelles, through Egypt and the Mediterranean to F

ished with all sorts of empty cases. It was quite a cosy place. Charlie had even caught a fox, that was his dog, and a kingfisher, that was his canary. On the comp






geant in return for a pair of


st arrived. He was late. So we had the Hors d'?uv

of Sar


t Ch

e Australian guest-poor devil, I may make it public now, for he's d


tte a

from Lemnos, but who had learned his trade in a London provision shop. The rum was Ch



ch was the only cheap



ch w

le of

of cha

the world when this affair took place. The sovereign was put in a basket which had been lowered with a rope, the basket pulled on deck and lowered again with half a crown change and the bottle of champagne. On his way back Char

ut to open the bottle of champagne, there was a surprise attack from the Turks, a regular alarm, a

champagne another time, when I get my commis

se. The bottle is the only thing he took

we were to take any pills, they would be blue pills. Our flag could be the Blue Peter. And we have such a blue funk, lest this confounded rain should never cease, that we talk of our blues till we get blue in the face. Not even Guncotton, who is very skilled i

it five minutes, ten minutes, a quarter of an hour. In the end he comes back holding a shell in his arms. It

cotton. "These things

Pringle tragically. "I want to put

is unscrewed, he pass


ll goes

turn pink

r the influence of an a

oachfully. "It's brandy.


rance!" cr

nd many of our own homes were put into mourning. I shall make no attempt at describing this battle. It is over, th

remained clad in mystery all the way from Salzburg to Vienna, and that, while I told her all about myself, I did not learn anything about her. This more or less repeated itself now. I let h

a corner of the mater's heart into which Daniel Cooper & Co., Ltd., have never penetrated. I am afraid this corner is the most

er secret corner hermetically closed. There was no need of writing on that hear

as my musical talent. I had an experience of this on the morrow of th

he asked as I was to leave for wha

ention, but that I might see my collab

inute. I have thought that it will be very difficult to show the weak

mean by thi

l which in my opinion must

iven suck

to love the babe

'The thane of Fife had a wife; where is she now?' But I think the lullaby could be repeated in her dream. It would be, when it comes first, only a remembrance, and when it

not to call it artistic, but theatrical or operatic. For, although the idea w

the first version of that little piece, while when it came back in the dream scene I replaced the flutes by muted violins. I remember this detail, because when Lady Macbeth was performed, Hammer came greatly excited after the first act to me protesting that h

fessional details. Having shown you sufficiently that I am no more a m

n the words of that lullaby. In the afternoon I worked with Mr. Doblana on the score of his

laby. It is a weird yet tuneful little piece

red. She let herself fall in my arm

"you will write a master

ad I felt so much s

"for I love you, love you truly, you ar

, she laughed at

w English. You declaim as if you

ng you. No woman can wish to be

and the right thing to say

ut I doubt whether I can make any man

aby not to

emed d

does not ma

ive reader, fancy your Patrick Cooper as a Mimosa whose leaves have just been touched. My life seemed pale,

e moment in the Mimosa, and the subtle doom t

this I see how fea

left for a little place in the Salzkammergut, St. Gilgen, not far from Salzb

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