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Mystery Wings


Word Count: 1938    |    Released on: 06/12/2017

pson. They were seated in the bleachers. The Saturday game was about to begin. The new pitche

e liked the sound of it. "He looks the part too! Look at that slim nose of his," he went on, "those thin lips, that high forehead. You'd take him for a Frenchman, or perhaps an Englishman, if it weren't fo

icity stuff of yours was great! We'll get nearly half the money we

oo sure," J

rowd!" Goggles ex

gold and blue that danced across

A Prince

No quince

A Peach

n! Ye

unconscious of his surroundings as he

es that. But who knew it? The pay-master and Colonel Chamberlain, that's all. Queer, isn't it? And now, when everything seems lost for old Hillcrest, he walks right into the picture.

he allowed his eyes to seek a spot in th

mured. "It's n

ng down?" Goggle

en circling way up high

turedly. "What d'ye think? Think they'd come right on down and

been watching it off and on for twenty minutes. All that time it had been circling above the ball field. At first

d soared until he was maybe a hundred feet from the ground. Then he folded his wings and dropped. And such a drop! St

contending for high honors, fantastic as it might seem, he had gained the impression that this pl

Crack up! Everyone in the plane would be killed. Eagle's a different

the first half, a shut-out for the opposing team, the Centralia boys went trottin

ng the rabbit only to see the rabbit s

again? Another inning?" a voic

forgot the strange airplane and g

as she slid into the place beside hi

s low. "Yes, w

e-he's up to bat! Isn't he mysterious! The-th

pitcher shot it through to the Prince, but it went h

d eye swept over the diamond. Arthur Lowe was on first, Fred Fr

just one good swat! That's all

crack of a bat and the bal

to its feet and howled madly. "Yea

seats the new pitcher was on third

" Meg exulted. "

ext. He swung wildly and f

himself. "Looks as if w

t he mysterious?" She was

her megaphone and, grasping Johnny by th

always in private. But now! Oh well, Meg was Meg. Her word was law.

rest! Yea!

Beat 'em

ince" was once more on the mound, the second inning about to begin

ed excitedly. "Like the ea

soul there was a feeling that the dark pitcher must hurry, that the men who came up to bat must go down a

There was too in the mysterious pitcher's action a su

ped into the air. The pit

ack! Up went the ball again. Down it came, r

the damp, cloudy air it seem

Strike! Strike!

ot so much as glance at the plane. He knew

ange," he

range?" Me

ing's strange today." How could he t

d bat! Inspired by rosy dreams of victory, they sent the ball spinning, right, left and center. By the t

n!" Meggy

n!" Goggl

he merely mur

amed it might be. Four wild balls put the lead

ticing that haunting airplane. It had retu

ere could be no doubting this. A hard-h

ed to tighten up. He

id actually seem to be in a nose-dive. Down, down, down it c

a burst of speed, a thunder of motors, the airplane righted itself, then shot upward. But what was that? Did Johnny's eyes deceive him? Did

ed as he settled back in his place. A

ow the game. Perhaps this was just as well. Dame Fortune appeared to have

Johnny's ear. "Look at him wind up! Yo

on upon this mysterious stranger, he a

queer about that,

led the ball. It would have cut the plate squarely in the

r of Centralia. There were men on second and third. What wa

aimed. "They're call

ed to watch the "Prince" walk away toward the showers. "

nd. Poor 'Prince!'" Meg sympathi

ow the answer. For some time to co

tched that airplane glide away toward the c

hat makes you say t

say the planes of an airplane. Don't sound right. Why not wings of a plane?

r," was Meg'

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