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On the Trail of Pontiac or, The Pioneer Boys of the Ohio


Word Count: 1766    |    Released on: 06/12/2017

rivers and causing not a little damage to such buildings as were located close to the water's edge. The forest in that vicinity was still heavy, so that the fresh

on the Kinotah. In the meantime those at the cabin did their best to learn something concerning th

ford, and many other points. Letters were sent to Annapolis and to Philadelphia concerning Barringford's discovery but bro

tery, that's what it

s if it will never be

ve that they were twins, and all who saw the children agreed that she was right. One was slightly darker than the othe

ed Sam Barringford one day. "I'd do it in a minit if

romptly. "I have talked it over with Joseph a

aid the old frontiersman. "It will be a weight off my shoulders to hav

d Artie, after two uncles of his own, and these names clung to them as they grew older. Little did

Morris one day. "They are of good breedi

her. "And it may be that some day Sam will b

e party was likewise to contain four Indians of the Delaware tribe under White Buffalo. The whites were all to go mounted and were to take six pack-horses in addition. At first James Morris thought to take a couple of wagons, at least as far as Fort Pitt,

e tribe to which White Buffalo belonged had been split, some fighting with the English and others with the French, but now some of the leaders, including Skunk Tail, were dead, and, the war being at an end, all were reunited under the lea

e's hand and then Henry's and gave each a tight grip. "White Buffalo is gl

as ever," answered Dave. "And how h

chief. "His step is not so light and his eye cannot see so

aight as any of us, and I know it, and walk jus

ffalo's village. They do not

on Henry earnestly. "You are all right, White Buffalo, and we'll be very

ry is my true friend," he murmured. "And David is my

h you young men?

st as old as White

r the young braves. They always want to do

w one trail and then another and hunt ou

ol than his hunting knife. It was of wood, with eyes of beads, and with joints fastened with

f," he said, producing it from under his b

little Nell, as she embraced it. "And her arms an

asked Mrs. Morris, as she to

ter," answered the Indian ch

" put in Rodney. "Nell, you mus

red the little m

things of more or less usefulness. To these were added, when Will's Creek was again reached, two casks of salt pork, two bags of beans, a sack of flour, a canister of coffee, others of sugar, salt, pepper, and various other articles meant for the ta

e in the trains inside of three hours with ease! But the trail the party was to take was all of two hundred miles in length, and fifteen to tw

e fort at Cumberland until the start, while the Indians made themselves at home in the woods. Once White Buffalo was invited to take dinner at the cabin, and did

h Morris to his brother afterward. "I don't believe i

s so anxious to have him along. He has proved himself our friend thr

rt. But you know as well as I how the traders have cheated them when driving bar

There should be a law against it. But even that does not warrant th

Look at some of the old frontiersmen-those Barringford has often spoken about. They liked a

that from the redskin

instead they should have tried to teach the Indians to do better," c

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