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The Wood Beyond the World

Chapter II. Golden Walter Takes Ship to Sail the Seas

Word Count: 1175    |    Released on: 17/11/2017

d him reverence, and made him all cheer, and showed him his room aboard ship, and the plent

he time about the haven, gazing listlessly on the ships that were making them ready outward, or unlading, and

before, a ship all-boun, which had her boats out, and men sitting to the oars thereof ready to tow her outwards whe

came a dwarf, dark-brown of hue and hideous, with long arms and ears exceeding great and dog-teeth that stuck out like the fan

grey-eyed, brown-haired, with lips full and red, slim and gentle of body. Simple was her arra

anigh her, lift up his eyes again after he had dropped them, and look again on her, and yet again and yet again. Even so did Walter, and as the three passed by him, it seemed to him as if all the other folk there about had vanished and were noug

g ship toward the harbour-mouth with hale and how of men. Then the sail fell down from the yard and was sheeted home and filled with the fair wind as the ship’s bows ran up on the first

herewith he went his way from the water-side, and through the streets unto his father’s house; but when he was but a little way thence, and the door was before him, him-seemed for a moment of time that he beheld those three coming out down the steps of stone and into the street; to wit the dwarf, the maiden, and the stately lady: but when he stood still to abide their coming, and looked toward them,

so much was his mind entangled in the thought of those three, and they were ever before his eyes, as if they had been painted on a table by the best of limners. And of the two women he thought exceeding much, and cast no wyte upon himself for running after the de

ings; for his heart was full. Then presently the old man went aland; the gangway was unshipped, the hawsers cast off; the oars of the towing-boats splashed in the dark water, the sail fell down from the yard, and was sheeted home, and out plunged the

the other ship had done; and the thought of it as if the twain were as beads strung on one string and led away by it into the s

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1 Chapter I. Of Golden Walter and his Father2 Chapter II. Golden Walter Takes Ship to Sail the Seas3 Chapter III. Walter Heareth Tidings of the Death of his Father4 Chapter IV. Storm Befalls the Bartholomew, and she is Driven Off Her Course5 Chapter V. Now They Come to a New Land6 Chapter VI. The Old Man Tells Walter of Himself. Walter Sees a Shard in the Cliff-Wall7 Chapter VII. Walter Comes to the Shard in the Rock-Wall8 Chapter VIII. Walter Wends the Waste9 Chapter IX. Walter Happeneth on the First of Those Three Creatures10 Chapter X. Walter Happeneth on Another Creature in the Strange Land11 Chapter XI. Walter Happeneth on the Mistress12 Chapter XII. The Wearing of Four Days in the Wood Beyond the World13 Chapter XIII. Now is the Hunt up14 Chapter XIV. The Hunting of the Hart15 Chapter XV. The Slaying of the Quarry16 Chapter XVI. Of the King’s Son and the Maid17 Chapter XVII. Of the House and the Pleasance in the Wood18 Chapter XVIII. The Maid Gives Walter Tryst19 Chapter XIX. Walter Goes to Fetch Home the Lion’s Hide20 Chapter XX. Walter is Bidden to Another Tryst21 Chapter XXI. Walter and the Maid Flee from the Golden House22 Chapter XXII. Of the Dwarf and the Pardon23 Chapter XXIII. Of the Peaceful Ending of that Wild Day24 Chapter XXIV. The Maid Tells of what had Befallen Her25 Chapter XXV. Of the Triumphant Summer Array of the Maid26 Chapter XXVI. They Come to the Folk of the Bears27 Chapter XXVII. Morning Amongst the Bears28 Chapter XXVIII. Of the New God of the Bears29 Chapter XXIX. Walter Strays in the Pass and is Sundered from The Maid30 Chapter XXX. Now They Meet Again31 Chapter XXXI. They Come Upon New Folk32 Chapter XXXII. Of the New King of the City and Land of Stark-Wall33 Chapter XXXIII. Concerning the Fashion of King-Making in Stark-Wall34 Chapter XXXIV. Now Cometh the Maid to the King35 Chapter XXXV. Of the King of Stark-Wall and his Queen36 Chapter XXXVI. Of Walter and the Maid in the Days of the Kingship