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The Crusade of the Excelsior


Word Count: 3737    |    Released on: 28/11/2017

ght as to leave little impression upon either the low adobe walls of the pueblo or the indolent population. "If it's a provision of Nature for sh

Pacific Ocean used to roll straight up to the Presidio, and there wasn't any channel-and that reef of rocks was upheaved in their time. But wha

did not affect her as it had done at first: she knew it was no longer indifference; she even fancied she understood it from what had been her own feelings. If he no longer raised his eyes to hers as frankly as he had that day, she felt a more delicate pleasure in the consciousness of his lowered eyelids when they met, and the instinct that told her when his melancholy glance followed her unobserved. The sex of these l

real danger, down there, on the

replied, looking at her wit

ed, with a naivete that w

n giving you their offerings

eplied, with

e betrothed couples to come to the cross to ex

e rude infelicity of this speech and the flippant manner of its ut

they were your pupils. Ah! here is Father Esteban," she added, wit

end of the avenue of pear-trees there was a break in the sea-wall, and here, with his face to the sea, Hurlstone was leaning gloomily. Father Esteban's tread was noisel

d man gravely, "this

nd you," Hurlston

with this countrywoman of yours. If you are not, my respect for her and my friendship for you prompts me to save

her!" interrupted Hurlstone quickly.

ak not, the passions of the heart are stilled! Do you think your silence in her presence is n

e doggedly. "It is no crime to love a pure and simple gir

"Silence, before you utter the thought that

iedly, grasping both hands of the priest. "Forgive me

rew out his snuff-box, rapped the lid, and took a pinch of snuff slowly. "We

now all-everything-before I

her, we will begin to make love to her! Eh, eh! that is the American fashion. Ah, pardon!" he continued, in response to a gesture of protestation

Your care-your kindness-your teachings have given me life again. Don't blame me, Father Est

"Be it so. You will at least do justice to the old priest, when you remember

I was happy and contented before this came upon me. Tell me what I shall do. Be my guide-m

old man, grasping his hand tight


t its doors for protection from YOU. For what you are proposing to this innocent girl is what you accepted from the older and wickeder woman. You have been cursed because a woman divided for you what was before God an indivisible right; and you, Diego, would now redivide that with another, whom

ly I implore you tell me what to do now to save her

the priest quietly. "HER a

ce?" echoe

the wife you have repudiated. Why should you abandon it? For the girl, there is no cause why she should remain-beyond y

t h

hurch has had a secret and trusty messenger from the See at Guadalajara-in a ship that touches here for a few hours only every three years. Her arrival and departure is known only to myself and my brothers of the Council. By this wisdom and the provision of God, the integrity of the Holy Church and the conversion of the heathen have been maintained without interruption and interference. You know now, my son, why your comrades were placed under surveillance; why it was necessary that the people should believe in a political conspiracy among your

re in his eyes. It still continue

d have left you in your fool's paradise, and one morning you would have found her gone. I should have condoled with you, and consoled you, and you would have forgotten her as you did the other. I should not have hesitated; it is the right of the Church through all time to break through those carnal ties withou

dimmed, he buried h

safe as if you had never revealed it to me. Perhaps," he added, with a sigh, "I should have been happier if I had not known it-if she had passed

swear that you will not even seek her to say farewell; for

her," repeated th

persisted the priest, "on the

h a half bitter recollection of their l

word, Diego. And now let us return to the Mission, f

isolated condition, that he would hear from her. But perhaps the priest might have been a confidant of his past, and had recalled the old affection in rivalry of her? Or had she herself been unfortunate through any idle word to reopen the wound? Had there been any suggestion?-she checked herself suddenly at a thought that benumbed and chilled her!-perhaps that happy hour at the cross might have reminded him of some episode with another? That was the real significance of his rude speech. With this first taste of the poison of jealousy upon her virgin lips, she seized the cup and drank it eagerly. Ah, well-he should keep his blissful recollections of the past undisturbed by her. Perha

rs. Markham, who was under promise to the Comandante not to reveal his plan for the escape of herself and Miss Keene until the arrival of the expected transport, had paid little attention to the late vagaries

, even with those Jesuits over at the Mission

. "Father Esteban, to begin with, is a Francisca

e me believe they didn't know of each other before we came here. He was the first one ashore, you remember, before the mutiny; and where did he turn up?-at the Mission, of course! And have you forgotten

priety, was still doing the honors of the Alcalde's house, and had once more assumed the Mexican dishabille, even to the slight exposure of her small feet, stockingless, in white satin slippers. The presence of the Comandante and his Secretary guaranteed the two ladies

er abandoned her own style of dress; and that afternoon her delicate and closely-fitting white muslin, gathered in at the waist with a broad blue belt of ribbon, seemed to accentuate somewhat unflatteringly the tropical neglige of Mrs. Brimmer and Miss Chubb. Brace, who was in attendan

yle lays over all their foreign flops and fandoodles. I wonder w

tridulous utterances of Mrs. Brimmer rose thr

perhaps not having the entire control over an establishment like you; yet, I suppose that, even if the Alcalde did give us carte blanche of the laundry HERE, we couldn't do it, unaided even by Mrs. Markham. Yes, dear; you must let me compliment you on your skill, and the way you make things last. As for me and Miss Chubb, we've only

ered briefly, and entered into lively conversation with Crosby and the Secretary, holding the hand of Dona Isabel in her own, as if to assure her that she was guiltless of any design against her former admirer. This was quite unne

gular presentiment that some outcome of this present visit would determine her relations with Hurlstone had already possessed her. Consequently she was conscious, before it had attracted the attention of the others, of some

dusty, and unshaven, that their features were barely distinguishable. One, who appeared to be the spokesman of the party, cast

Mazatlan. The officer and the escort who came with us are outside the gate. We have bee

, I don't understand Spanish much-I may be a fool, or crazy, or perh

gerly towards Miss Keene, who had arisen with a half frightened joy, and with the cry of "Why, it's Nell!" ran

. Brimmer, closing upon her, in a slow, por

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