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The Crusade of the Excelsior

Chapter 9 LIBERATED.

Word Count: 2178    |    Released on: 28/11/2017

un; the discontents, led by Brace and Winslow, had united with the Government against Perkins and his aliens; but a compromise had been effected by the treacherous giving up of th

to recognize his claims by offering him command of the missionary ship, and permission to rediscover the channel, the secret of which had been lost for half a century to

now in the hands of the authorities. Hurlstone did not hesitate to express to Padre Esteban his disgust at the treachery which had made

nouement of that miserable woman's life-but let it not close your eyes to his infamous political career. I admit that he was opposed to the revolt of the heathen against us, but i

t had overspread the old priest's face. "Surely the Council will not be seve

d coolness,-"Quien sabe? There will be expulsados, no doubt. The E

Perkins," said H

est hes

e asked c


it, sealed it, and gave it to Hurlstone. "You will hand that

ur hours had evidently affected Don Miguel, for although he received Hurlstone courteously, there was a sing

with the prisoner, Don

at ease. Two sentries were ranged on each side of an open door which gave upon the courtyard. The Commander paused before it, and with a gesture invited him to enter. It was a large square apartment, lighted only

it was quickly dissipated by the hearty, aff

ear, hesitating numbers." He pointed to the sheet of paper before him, which showed some attempts at versification. "But I confess to a singular fascina

r Perkins," began Hurlstone frankly; "

ntle contemplation at the distant Comandante, "as

ity in the baser part of the late conspiracy,-the revolt of the savages, and that you did your best to counteract the evil, although in doing so you have sacrificed yourself. I shal

ntentions, but you remember that we agreed only yesterday that you knew nothing of politics, and did not concern yourself with them. I do not know but you are wise. Politics and the science of self-government, although dealing with general principles, are apt to be defined by the individual limitations of the enthusiast. What is good for HIMSELF he too often deems is applicable to

e's hand again wi

room, and the Commander's attention was called in that direction.

hesitated to voice his renewed uneasines

shoulders and smiled wi

d manuscripts of my deceased friend, and to endeavor to

gerly. "I"-but Perkins stopped him with

d them with disturbe

Senora Markham, to ask you to see them for a moment," he said to Senor

MORE?" asked the Senor, in a


em come

ho, recognizing her, had followed her into the guard-room, now emerged with her, and momentarily disconcerted at the presence of the Commander, ran, with the unerring instinct

sort of thing; but I told him that I was bound to see you, if only to say that if there's any meanness going on, Susannah and James Markham ain't in it!

ng as she glanced at Hurlstone, "see that I have already a friend

p, and cast a faint look of

, by the sympathy and outspoken counsel of your noble sex; the last time by Mrs. Euphemia M'Corkle, of Peoria, Illinois, a lady of whom you have heard me speak-alas! now lately deceased. A few lines at present lying on yonder table-a tribute to her genius-will be forwa

ated. As they passed through the gateway, looking back they saw Perkins still standing with the child on his shoulder and smiling affa

of the fortifications, and were descending towards the beach. By the

d their attention. Hurlstone turned quickly. A light smoke, drifting from the cou

r Perkins lying on the ground near the wall, with a terrible suggestion in its helpless and pathetic vacuity. A few paces further lay its late owner, with twenty Mexican bullets in his breast, his benevolent forehead bared meekly

cession of the right to work the mines and control the ranches he and Hurlstone had purchased from their proscribed countrymen. The complacency of the Council of Todos Santos may be accounted for when it is understood that on the day the firm of Hurlstone & Keene was really begun under the title of Mr. and Mrs. Hurlstone, Richard had prevailed upon the Alcalde to allow him to add the piquant Dona Isabel also to the firm under the title of Mrs. Keene. Although the port of Todos Santos was henceforth open to all commer

ou remember," said the youthful Mrs. Keene

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