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Panther Eye


Word Count: 1900    |    Released on: 06/12/2017

on the dead

and a bott

and the da

is better

to meet him. Fifty times he had searched in vain for its meaning. For that it was not chance that had

he not say it? Why veil his meaning in an appare

since the record came into his hands, he had an idea. Somewhere, he h

beside Dave Tower

that song, or all of it, is pri

nd,' of course-only the first two lines, though. It


he left

n over his head and was out in t

breath stirred. He walked slowly up the hill, watching the golden streamers of the northern lig

n and the d

is better

he mysterious singer had improvised to sing with those which were well kn

openly. He wished to send them a warning. This was his only way. And the warning was d

son who had sent the message, "if that's all there

man. This was their pile of pay dirt. For five days now, they had been working on the second mine of the seven. The pay dirt they had struck was not as rich as they hoped to f

extended into the interior of the mine. The mine was fifteen feet underground, but even here the earth was frozen solid. Attached to the hose was a sharp pointed iron pipe. Thi

perhaps in two or three months, we will send by reliable rein

cord, for he was curious to know the lay of the land above that point. He wante

looked up at the cliffs which towered skyward some

hadow flit from one little ridge to another? The sur

he had started for the rocky cliff and he

were again of that strange fellow

white man, why doesn't he join us? Perhaps-" He stopped short in his tracks. "Perhaps

s that hood drawn tight? Why the goggles? And, being a girl, she might be more than an adventuress. Pos

hat being true. There's witchery in this moonlight. And yet, stranger things h

iff. Suddenly with the quickness of thought, a small

of crimson hue, which he had worn under his parka, was upon Johnny's chest. His arm was entwined in Johnny's left in a jujutsu hold. His hand flashed to the white boy's chin. With such a hold even a small man could do much. The man pinioned beneath, having regained his breath, added his strength to the other in holding his adversary flat to the snow. Johnny dug his left elbow into this one's face, while his right arm turned beneath the arm of the man on his chest and reached a position of ha

over a succession of rolling terraces. Now he slid along the trough of a bank of snow. One thought was comforting; he was escaping from those strange brown men. Shots had rung out. Bullets whiz

he sprang up and raced back up the hill to the last rocky ridge over which he had gl

creature stirred. He watched for fully five minutes with no result. When about to drop to the snow again, he thought he detected a movement to the left of wh

d cat had moved stealthily out upon the sno

cold perspiration from

ely manner up the hill until i

e hill. The light of the clubroom was

over as he appeared at the door, ragged, bruised and

on clean shirt and trousers, he took a place by the o

d a frank, boyish laugh, as he finished. "Some wild and woolly ad

our effect on the spirits of their dead whales an

further down the sea. I 'ates to think what a 'ard lot they is. Dave and me's s

llow I tore the clothes off was wearing silk undergarments


e, why don't we see them?"

Jarvis. "You 'aven't seen 'im, 'ave you? All

exclaimed Johnny. "I tho

d Jarvis. "I've seen the lik

low cats and little yellow men are not good neighbors unless they've

r the clubroo

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