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Polly in New York


Word Count: 3398    |    Released on: 06/12/2017

ould be so kind as to loan his car to the girls on school-nights. Polly explained simply. "Why, he never forgot

f our even having to travel in the subw

to rob a wealthy broker, one night, never dreamed that her two

by, Mr. Dalken, and two other wealthy men had purchased the corner which had always been disfigured by the old four-story amusement hall, and proposed erecti

om home was: "How we should love to have you spend Christmas with us, Polly deare

l that I shall have to come home even if it takes a month out of school and delays me in my

er, as she read her mother's words, and her reply wa

n Mr. Latimer at his office. She was welcomed t

Then she told him about her mother's home-sick words. "And this is what

r than lose you from New York, Pol

for him to be here just before, or after Christmas. Then I will write and let them know that you told me about it, and insist upon

ng the plan, even if your father won't leave

stick there in winter-time, any more than I do. Esp

you've got to find a real worthy reason f

he reason before I send

se I may be able to make a sugge

ow that that is settled, let us talk about Jim and Ken. Yo

soon be home for the Holidays. Although it seems like

miss him very much, as he always

the 'phone when he came from New Haven to see Ruth Ashby, two weeks ago Sun

ve called on you. He did not c

ed her early Sunday morning and found she would be home, so he r

st loves quite so suddenly," laughed Mr. Latim

la and I are only good pals for th

e well advised on such matters, as lo

w that you are here and it is lunch-hour, why not come with me. I promised to t

ouldn't leave Nolla out of the treat,

nty minutes. We'll wait for her, and meanwhile I'l

rang and she was invited to join her friends at luncheon. So in less than half-an-hour

d it to his wife. "Ah have been thinking, dear, that we-all might

and lose all that time from cla

n at the ranch for a few weeks, unles

. Ever since they returned from their honeymoon in Denver, she has been si

feel like taking a vacation to some othe

y would start on Monday, and this be

herself suggested to Sary: "Have all the good times you want, Sary, while we are gone. Invite your friends, and neighbors,

l ast as much as twenty to a

if you can find them," laugh

Sary," ha-hawed Sam Brewster. "And that th

how to create envy in the souls of her old friends at

uld like him to keep that time open. But when they reached Chicago, John was standing on t

us round-trip tickets, but we don't know who it was. Not a line c

hand as she looked into his face. "You are the image

ly at the Studio. Little did they dream that the Studio family were busy preparing for a gladsome Christmas for them all. For Mr. Latimer had told them about the telegram fro

rs having berths in the last coach, should fail to meet anyone traveling in the first one. So it was with speechless a

. Maynard!" exclaimed Sam Brews

here. Come to cheer up the little girl, eh?" and

now introduced to Barbara and Mrs. Maynard. The latter had never met the Brewst

ster-what about you folks? Might as wel

lly mentioned it in several of her le

ight along. Here Taxi! e

r. Maynard?" ventu

ith us? He came on another coach wi

mming every moment, so as to finish and be ready to he

Pete had not seen much of Paul and John and Tom, that term. Three young men who c

rk Hotel for rooms, the day he left Denver, he engaged a whole suite. No better accommodatio

huckled delightedly to himself, for he had silently watched the manner in which

id place. Don't you know that Bob's position must be catered to? Even the best hotels here a

likes. But her Dad is running this show. I'm here to visit Nolla, and I stop where I can ca

r Bob has to take third place in your

e. That's why I have to give double love

out to hurry over to the Studio. But his wife and Barbara sulkily unpacked thei

the door opened. From within, merry laughter and joyous shouting could be heard. Then in a

here, so that the newcomer's appearance added a

family!" Mrs. Stewart said plaintively; as she c

us here, too!" l

the way?" ex

r and Bob will

y, happy that her mother and sister car

es," Mrs. Stewart declared as s

the merrier," laug

this stable. All the others are great cushiony thin

and seating her upon his strong knees, "Did her think we-a

but I am staggered at the li

er or afternoon tea! That is all settled beforehand. Run upstairs and put on your evening dress. We propose m

ty, Dad?" asked

Ritz. To-morrow it will be Brewster's tur

r and I have never been, but we've heard lots about it and th

he added explanatorily: "Why, the girls say chop-suey is great! And at Christmas time the Chinks' sto

be to-morrow night," promised John, who had hitherto b

ers. Mrs. Maynard and Barbara actually enjoyed the wholesome fun and almost forgot to be affected or snobbish. To associate intimately with Mr. Dalken, whose social standing was well-known in Chicago, as well as in other large cities, was

n indulged in, on the days preceding the twenty-fifth, that day passed quietly for all. Each family enjoyed its own gathering and

rty. But Saturday night had been set aside for Mr. Dalken's Christmas party. Elizabeth was inv

he had an enormous tree fixed in the center of the living-room. No one was allowed to see that roo

the attractive white packages tied with red ribbons, filled the guests with curiosity; and once Elean

he gifts were carefully selected for each individual and those for the four girls-Elizabeth, Ruth Ashby, Polly and Eleanor, were exquis

shyly shook hands, while Ruth said he must have read her thoughts, for she had asked Dad for a pin and had been refused

s, girls?" asked Mr. Latimer, quizzica

n his eyes, and instantly wheeled to look at the other me

ainbow Cliff jewels!" ex

holding the pin aloft to let the

very best and finest stones in New York, and someone dares suggest

mine to Tiffany's, to-mo

s store is to be closed all da

his family dead?"

nday, and he is

forgotten the Sabbath was so near

she found her box and examined it. Inside the silk-padded li

can carry a little of Pebbly Pit about

as I am one of the corporation, I wheedled the cutter into giving me his first output. So, girls, you

ur company?" Poll

after the fire, because we said this w

that only he could hear. "I like you so much, and I'm happy

t Christmas gift I have had in yea

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