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Chapter 6 POLLY’S RAID.

Word Count: 1456    |    Released on: 06/12/2017

very bright child, and could be most charming and attractive to the smallest living creature when she chose, she left nurse and the little brown-eyed baby to their own de

, and was going to her own room to change her dress and make herself tidy, it was very annoy

his morning, Susan, to see which of them want darning, and you had b

he proper rotation. You needn't be a fretting your head about 'em, miss. This ain

the reins of office next week, I'll put away quite half of these towels. There can't be waste going on in the house-I won't have it, not when I housekeep, at any rate. Susan

inching them in parts, and feeling their texture between her finger and thumb. In the end she pronounced

usemaid. "It ain't neither the day nor the hour, and

ted-it isn't right. Take the towels, Susan, and let me find them mended to-morrow morning;" and the youn

was to the ki

spice, or nutmegs, or mace. Oh, dear, it makes me quite shiver to think of it! What a mess you would be in, if you hadn't all your ingredients handy, in case you were making a plum-cake, or some of those dear little tea-cake

found her, notwithstanding her very irascible temper, a great comfort, for she was thoroughly honest and conscientious, but even from her late mistre

ully into the kitchen, and it remained toward her, with one ear ju

er and salt, and nutmegs and other flavoring ingredients on the table beside her, and when Polly's speech c

kitchen, child-I'm busy, and not att

o Polly. She, too, had her temper, and had no

it is. I'm afraid you can't ever have attended any cookery classes, Mrs. Power, or you'd know better than to put all that pepper into that much soup. Why it ought to be-it ought to be-let me see, I think it's the tenth of an ounce to half a gallon of sou

oor; come, child-I'm going to put you on the other side of it;" and so saying, before Polly was in the least aware of her intention, sh

r a little she sufficiently recovered herself to reflect that the reins of authority had not yet

," reflected Polly. "It would not be right-you're not at all

and made herself very busy dividing a long old-fashioned rosewood box into several compartments by means of stout cardboard divisions. She was really a cleve

ing forward. "What are you so long about

t personage, Miss Doll-so you'd better begin to treat me with respect. Oh, dear, where's the cookery book? Helen, do you know where the "Lectures on E

said Helen, who was busily engaged darning Bunny's socks; she ra

" Polly's charming, merr

rposed Mabel. "She said Polly had b

n of importance, so if you're wise, all of you, you'll keep at my blind side. Oh dear! where is that cookery b

ng put an end to a sub

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