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Chapter 7 THE GROWN-UPS.

Word Count: 2008    |    Released on: 06/12/2017

and his recent sorrow lay heavily against his heart. How was the father of seven daughters, and two very scampish little sons, to bring them up alone a

showed shadowy and indistinct in the growing dusk, when Polly crept softly int

bout the housekeeping? I'm all prepa

ffort roused himself out of a rever

face. Then he added, with a sudden change of manner, "Oh, what a goose you are,

wouldn't really, father dear; I couldn't cure a sick person

d her husband is anxious, so I promised to look in. By the way, Polly, don't any of you go nearer the Judsons' house until I give you leave; walk at the other side of the village, if you must go there at all. Now, my dear, about this housekeeping. Are you serious

k I can bear it. When I was with mother somehow or other, I d

y dear; I certainly will mention her name to her children. She has gone away, but she is still one with us. Why should our dearest household word be buried? Why should not her influence reach you and Helen an

trembling, her eyes were brimful, she claspe

forward and kissed

of obstinacy in her which no persuasion will overcome. It can only be reached by the lessons which experience teaches. If possible, and where it is n

d take some honey away. I thought I could manage the bees just as cleverly as Hungerford does, but I got nervous

e honey from that hive, eh

just trying to teach me, when she seemed so kind and sympathizing, and used to say in that voice of hers

g this establishment together, for it is almost time for me to run away to Mrs. Judson. I allow eight pounds a week for all household expenses, se

, please, father?" interrup

her always managed, with the help of the vegetables and fruit from the garden, to bring

lot of money! four pounds-eighty shillings! I sh

l table. No stinting, and no running in debt. Those are the ab

certain I won't fail, certain. I always loved cooking and housekeeping. Fancy making pie-crust myself, and cakes, and custar

ss we shall be in! But thank heaven it is only for a week. My dear child, I allow you t

on't presently. I am all system, I assure you. I see my way so clearly. I'll retrench without being mean, and I'll ec

w I must be going. G

as little divisions. I popped them all in before dinner to-day.

l, P

an to get into

is is Sundries-oh yes, and laundress, I must screw in a division for laundress somehow. Now, father, this is my delightful plan. When you give me my four pounds-my eighty shillings-I'll get it all

ght, Polly. I sincerely hope no serious results will accr

ked quickly do

er hands is enough to endanger health, to say nothing of peace and domestic quiet. The fact is, I really am a much worried man. It's no joke bringing up seven motherless girls, each of them with characters; the boys are a simple matter-they have school before them, and a career of some sort, but the

y dear little Firefly, what is the matter? You ought to be in bed ages ago-out here in the damp

stling her head into her father's cheek. "I r

the matter, dear? Why do you make thin

father's with an acute longing for sympathy. Instinct told him o

father?" asked Firefly, squeezi

. Now what were those sobs about? And

e down-stairs, to lis

s? My dear, w

ir that Katie should be made a grown-up-and she is-she is, really, father. She is down in

grown-up too-you are seve

en and a half-Kati

shed to join the grown-ups, but I found you sobbing on the damp grass under one of the shrubs ne

horrid. They locked me out-I banged against the door, but they wouldn't open.

matter in father's hands. Ask nurse to give you a ho

re! Don't I love you! Just another

y. He saw her disappear into the house, an

ver did a more harassed man walk.

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