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Word Count: 2272    |    Released on: 06/12/2017

thinking about you to-night, Winnie, and I said to Mamie that I believed I'd come up and see you fo

ble because of the ash-blondness of her tightly pulled hair, stood besid

down, do Mrs. Hollister; I'm not denying that I

cushioned rocker drawn up near the

bserved. "Am I keeping you, Winnie-is that important?

nie explained. "It's the laundry list and I have abo

uick eyes roving approvingly around the immacul

the best place for them to be. They've lost all their good sensible habits these last two weeks and it's glad

will really get well?"

changed. Her

list that came from New York, and Dr. Jordan and Doctor Hugh, who's as good as any of them if he is young, all

she?" asked the visitor. "Mami

ght for the summer dusk

nd white on the floor. I got her on the bed myself and sent Rosemary flying down to Dr. Jordan's office for Dr. Hugh. Dr. Jordan came up with the young doctor and they got the trained nurse and for over a week we didn't know whether the de

take Dr. Jordan's practice," sa

artly. "Dr. Jordan is going away for two months, or three, and Dr. Hugh is to look afte

discussed, namely that Dr. Hugh would likely buy the practice of Dr.

ie went on, "Dr. Hugh went with her and he's coming back in the morning. The girls b

ster's next comment. "I don't suppose you can depend on much help from the girls, tho

o do everything, Mrs. Hollister. Miss Trudy Wright is

Hollister bluntly. "An

"Miss Wright means well, if ever a woman did. She's the half sister of Mrs. Willis's

ed," said Mrs. Hollister shrewdly. "Does she put

queer to be taking orders from her. She's been here off and on, making visits and she never bothered me. Mrs. Willis, poor dear, went away feeling sure that the girls would be well looke

t as soon as you said she was coming, that a woman without any children

repeating the same thing fifty times and if she gives an order and they don't pay attention she drops it right there. I'm not blaming her-she's fat and has plenty of money and likes to be comfortable; she must be fifty years old, too, and at her time of life it's only fair to expect t

red hair," said Mr

like from those big blue eyes of hers. But Rosemary has the Willis will and the Willis temper and when she is on her high horse the house won't hold her. Sooner or later she's going to try to have her way against the young doctor's orders and

chuckling. "She nearly frightened the little Percey

ouble. Rosemary's temper blazes up and burns fierce enough dear knows, but it burns itself out good and clean and leaves a good cl

announced Mrs. Hollister grimly.

is will and that is a caution. Even Shirley, six years old and looking like a cherub straight from above, even Shirley has got a temper of her o

ut the Willis will?" asked M

hirley was born and Mrs. Willis has never been the same woman since-had it, too, and the temper along with it, but he made them both his servants and himself the master, as the Bible says. Many's the time I've heard the story of Governor Willis, (his picture hangs in the hall) and of how he held out against the whole legislature and the public and proved himself right in the end. O

to have the bending of three wills all at once. It strikes me that the young doctor is going to be pretty busy

baby-I took care of him till he was five years old-and I know he'll manage all right. The g

them, isn't he?" said Mrs. Hollister reflectively.

e home with her this summer. She was pleased as could be that he wanted to settle in Eastshore. She's talked a lot to me, since Mr. Willis died, about what she hoped the children would do and when Dr. Hugh wrote her that he didn't want to

l on her gloves as she noted that the plain-faced kitchen clock said quarter of nine. "I'm s

nk is going to happen while she is gone? With Doctor Hugh and Miss Trudy Wright, to say


ed a crack and a dark

f the chocolate cake from the buffet clo

to bed and you'll fall asleep again and fo

ust one piece?"

t," said Wi

announced Sarah calmly, "so I to

ant," cried Winnie, swoo

red Sarah pleasantly. "I t

Hollister, who was m

e visitor majestically, "is

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