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Word Count: 1996    |    Released on: 06/12/2017

erful whistle s


out Aunt Trudy and ga

untie," she whispered. "Y

r and joined Jack who was waiti

he suggested. "Perhaps it will coo

falling into step beside him. "Thi

ickly. "I'll bet the trouble is you're doing everyone's

to say she didn't know when in the world the windows would get cleaned. Sarah heard her and the next day she lugged up a pail of water and a cloth and tried to wash them. She splashed water all over the wall paper and made an awful mess of it, but Mother kissed her and praised her and said she was glad she

nie has a list of troubles a mile

I could get along without you, because you're the only one who listens to my troubles. Hugh

toward the drug-store steps and the soda fountain therein. "I'm alway

st time to the dinner hour, no Jack was at hand to listen to Rosemary'

. Sarah declared passionately that she would starve herself before she would feed a defenseless cat skimmed milk and Winnie, with equal

ushing out of the kitchen and shutting the door

Winnie had comforted the child with a cookie, Aunt Trudy declared that her nerves wer

emary. "Oh, dear, how selfish everyone is! I've a good mind to sit down and read

Rosemary was amazed when Sarah, warm and dirty from grubbing in the rabbit h

ds and pick up after lunch

ssert as a concession to her hurt finger. She ignored the vegetables entirely though the meal was s

l and Sarah insisted on the hot-water heater being lit so that she might have hot water i

when Sarah followed her to the corner of the living-room wher

rah, "come on, Shirley, let's

in a full two hours over her music. The numerous interruptions spun out the time so

ren't made!" thought Rosem

mop up the puddles on the floor and they were wet to their chins. Rosemary hustled them off to get into clean dry clothes and then worked feverishly to restore the room to a sem

arah cheerfully when they sat down t

reproved her aunt, sugaring a

tylet," said Shirley, poi

erposed Winnie. "The doctor says sh

as sitting in stately aloofness when Do

soup Winnie instantly placed before him. Hugh was her idol and she al

at ails 'em," v

ord, but no one pays any attentio

or Hugh shortly. "Aren't you eating to

said Shirley wistfull

s of date pudding," announced Winnie. "I don't know when s

and coax her, she would soon learn to like vegetables," sai

her brother spoke be

night," he announced, with unusual severity, for Shirley was his pet

I should fly if I stayed in the house, so I went up to the city and shopped. I came in about half past five and not one bed was made! The children's clothes lay jus

with quick anger and an unlo

ick and tired of beds and dusting and answering the telephone. Yo

!" said D

k to me like that," asserted A

!" jerked Rosemary. "That's

cry and Doctor Hugh

ry," he said distinctly. "Go in

ike a whirlwind and the house sh

s. "I don't care! Aunt Trudy always cries and it isn't fair. I suppose Hugh will be furious, but let h

ight she knew it was Doctor Hugh. She slipped down from the chair and walked around ba

with me to-morrow? They're opening the new hospital and I half promised to

ing to do the next morning but put on a clean frock and go with Hugh. He might even let her

ve it!" she said

I think you need a bit of pleasure. Th

ising her. She had expected Hugh to be angr

without her. I've been watching you, and you are more self-reliant and capable every day. Several people have spoken to me

g Rosemary, she flung herself headlong at

I am sorry I acted s

at has about worn everybody out. I tried to warn you, but the fireworks had to blaze up. Now kiss me, like my sweet girl, for I'm going out

love to go," su

ave the cares behind, but we'll take

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