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Running Fox

Chapter 5 WOLVES

Word Count: 2778    |    Released on: 06/12/2017

and made no attempt to go farther. Besides, they had lost a number of their arrows in the river, and they spent the day making others to replace them. Toward evening as Running Fox was s

Spotted Deer, whom he had left res

ou must rise and follow me," said Running

Spotted Deer, rising

Fox had discovered the tracks, and Spot

. "These tracks look like the tracks of big do

ox. "That is what I took them for when I first saw them. The

," replied

ent that there had been a goodly number of wolves, for the lads saw tracks of various sizes. That night as they

hey are very large and very fierce. They have fought with many of our pe

e time for them to come down here. I have heard the hunters say that in the

is cold our people have found them down near our v

them," Spotted Deer

believe it," s

and bruises showed little evidence of the rough treatment which they had received from the river. They felt that they had escaped with a very lig

erous country," said Spotted Deer

arp watch for our enemi

worn trail leading away from the river, and as it showed fresh deer tracks they determined to follow it. It soon led them to a shallow pool in the center of an open marshy swale. From the numberless footprints, and the manner in which the

the creatures that appeared

edge of the woods when they heard something approaching. They watched close

hispered S

unning Fox, as he

heir growth in the autumn. The buck spent some moments listening, and sniffing for signs of danger. Then, satisfied that all was well, he started toward the pool. At that moment, however, the wind veered and brought him the danger scent. For one fleeting instant he halted with his head raised in alarm. Then, hav

Running Fox. "I was not

ng in that tree," l

ning Fox. "My arrow struck too far back,

It was evident that the deer had been hard hit, and they started hopefully on the trail. The buck was traveling in

me up with him,"

with great caution, for it looked like an ideal hiding place for the wounded buck. They soon saw that the deer had begun to walk, and at one place they saw that it had stopped as if preparing to lie down. It had gone on, however, and the lads hurried after it, keeping a sharp watch on all sides lest it should suddenly

ed to a place in the trail which indicated that the buck

same instant, and struggled to his feet. Running Fox shot his arrow and scored another hit, but

far this time," pr

dge of the swamp. They followed it through the woods to a pretty wood

great medicine deer told m

," replied

hey were some distance from the river, they believed it might be safe to make a tiny fire and dry some of the meat to take with them. They worked at the task unti

t?" he asked

away in the night, they heard a sound that thrilled them. It was the hunting cry of the wolf-pack. They

the blood trail,

unded buck. The thought stirred them, for they believed that they were about to have an encounter with the savage brutes about wh

ng fast," said

nning Fox. "Come, we will bring in some br

nto a flame. By that time it was evident that the wolves were almost through the swamp. They were making a great din, an

tting close," cr

out of the swamp,"

ility failed to alarm them. They felt confident that they would be able to defend themselves, and they were

ghtened them away," Spott

ey saw our fire. Perhaps they found the man scent. They are sneaking up to have a lo

nd endeavoring to learn the strength of their enemies before exposing themselves. For a long time, however, the alert young hunters could find no evidence of t

ome brush on the fir

d that those crafty beasts were wise enough to keep beyond the glow. The Delawares heard them trotting about through the undergrowth, but they were unable to see them. The caution displ

neered Spotted Deer. "Come, let

chances. I believe what we have heard is true. Perhaps they are getting ready to mak

y a wild din from the pack. It was evident that the wolves were growing bolder. They trotted about at the ed

brave enough to fight

ht," Running F

they grew hold enough to expose themselves in the firelight. At last, however, one great wolf more reckless than its companions rushed toward the prize. As it came into

aid Running Fox. "Perhaps that

was very foolish," Spotted

sperate encounter. Standing back to back to prevent being attacked from the rear, they fought furiously to keep the ferocious animals from reaching them. More than one wolf was stopped in mid-air as it leaped forward to drag them to the ground. Once Running Fox was compelled to use his war-club to crush the skull of a wolf that had eluded his arrow. A moment later he heard a warning cry from

of it," said Running Fox. "If we follow the wo

is so," agreed

t was a long time before they dared to leave the fire to recover their arrows from the bodies of the wolves they had killed. While they were engaged in the task they heard savage snarls comin

Fox. "I believe the best thing to do

eled at bay. He saw the hateful green eyes glaring at him through the night, and he aimed his arrow a short distance below them. As he released the bow-string the wolf attempted to spring at him, but the arrow plunge

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