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The Abandoned Farmers


Word Count: 830    |    Released on: 19/11/2017

vertigo and had to be retired in favor of a new set. For one thing, we snatched one entire floor out of the original design-just naturally jerked it out from under and cast it away and neve

yet during the same period to enjoy all the pleasurable thrill of shifting about from place to place. I find moving in your mind is a mu

isfactory sort of house we think, artistically as well as from the standpoint of being practical and comfortable; but it is no longer entirely our house. The architect is responsible for the general scheme of things, for the layout and the assembling of the wood and the brick and the cement and the stonework and all that sort o

ey can tell any other woman how to bring up her children without spoiling them to death, and women who are absolutely sure no woman on earth can tell them anything about the right way to bring up their own children; which two groupings include practically all women. And I have yet to meet the man who did not believe that he was a good judge of either horses, diamonds, wines, women, salad dressings, antique furniture, Oriental rugs or the value of real estate. And finally all of these, regardless of sex and regardless, too, of previous experience in the line, know better how a ho

wings to every one who came to see us. Getting out the drawings when somebody called became a regular habit with us. Being ourselves so deeply interested in them, we couldn't understand why our friends shouldn't be interested too. And they were-I'll say t

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