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The Illustrious Prince


Word Count: 2483    |    Released on: 28/11/2017

selection, and the stream of incoming guests had begun to slacken. A young lady who had been sitting in the palm court for at least half an hour r

ynes is staying here? He should have arrived by

ar surprised at anything. Nevertheless the man looked at

. "Did you say that you were expe

here today. Can you tell me whether he has arrived yet? If he

n. With a word of apology, the man came round from his place behind the mahogany counter. He

am, if you have seen the newspa

ised eyebrows. She was slim, of medium complexion, with dark brown hair parted in the middle and waving a little about

n't think that I have seen them this morning.

the open door of a

is way for one momen

him curiously. Certainly the people around seemed

sked. "Cannot you ans

l be so good,

convinced her, at least, of his good intentions. Besides, the interest which her question had undoubtedly

Lusitania, and who had certainly engaged rooms in this hotel, but he un

to understand what it all meant. Her

ent?" she

air up to her. She sa

Hamilton Fynes was not a very intimate friend or a relative of yours.

real terror in her tone. Yet if he had been in a position to have analyzed the emotion she displayed, he might have remarked that there was

e exclaimed. "

able to supply the man's name, and I am afraid that there is no doubt about his identity. The captain of the

ps. "It seems such a horrible death! Have they any id

. "The affair, as you will see if you read

ainting. She picked up the paper and found the place once more

alone and read t

o back to my desk. There are many arrivals just now. Will y

answered. "I wish only to

time in his stateroom. The captain had not even been aware of his existence till the moment when Mr. Hamilton Fynes had sought him out and handed him an order, signed by the head of his company, instructing him to obey in any respect the wishes of this hitherto unknown passenger. The tug which had been hired to meet him had gone down the river, so it was not possible, for the moment, to say by whom it had been chartered. The station-m

lining had been torn away, but there was not the slightest evidence as to the nature of these documents or the history

way, her mind seemed occupied with thoughts which may indeed have had some connection with this tragedy, but were scarcely wholly concerned with it. She sat for a long while with her hands still resting upon the table but her eyes fixed out of the window. Then at last she rose and made her way outside. Her frien

the others are reporters. They are all eager to know anything about M

her lips and c

whatever to tell them," she declared.

k shook

find them quite persis

which I do not know mysel

tland Yard have special privileges, of course, and there remai

will speak to the representative of Scotland Yard. I

, tall, lantern-jawed, dressed with the quiet precision of a well-to-do-man of affairs, and wit

stand that Mr. Hamilton Fy

ance," she c

r name?"

she replied,-"Mis

ilton Fynes," the detective continued. "Whe

d him, "by marconigr

," Mr. Jacks said,-"his profession, for instance, or his social

shook h

ered. "We met in Paris some years ago, and when he was las

then, previous to the marco

rom him in my life," she answered. "He wa

of the object of his pr

atever," sh

the inspector asked, "do you k

e least,"

dress in the States?" I

ook he

letter from him in my life. We exchanged a few notes, perhaps, when

hen you lunched with him last year, have said somet

the girl answered. "I have not the sl

ed. He did not for a moment believe

re to have your name come before the public in

ing you anything that I knew. You seem to find it hard to believe, but I

tive was

help us at all, mada

id not," s

ought the matter over, something may occur

enham House for the

down in hi

"You may be able, after reflection, to recall some small details, at any rate, which w

im to the clerk, and p

she asked. "I really have nothing to say to

answered. "If you will allow me,

s caught them up upon the pavement. Miss Penel

m was of the slightest. It is true that I came here to lunch today without knowing what had happened. It

r into a taximeter cab, and gave the address to the driver. Then h

rt of person. Nobody appears to know anything about him. I remember when he was staying here b


" he admitted. "Most Americans are ready enough to talk about

el cler

icult for you,

, "especially when we find him engaged to lunch with a young

the clerk asked

, apparently, in studying

e knowledge of Miss Penelope Morse. By the bye, th

tel clerk remarked. "Do


lady, I should think, that. I wonder what she and Mr. Hamilto

ous. He did not grasp the s

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