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Scarlet and Hyssop

Chapter 2 No.2

Word Count: 3492    |    Released on: 06/12/2017

in none the remotest feeling of curiosity. There seemed to be no doubt that he was of humble origin, but his origin, whether humble or haughty, he had completely buil

p, or, perhaps, as a concluding bargain, disposed of them, no doubt at a suitable valuation, to his house, which dealt largely and wisely in sound mining concerns in South Africa. Physically he was thin and meagre in build, and habitually wore a harassed and troubled look, especially in his own house, where he sat at the head of the table, and, for all the attention that was usual

than not in each other's houses. There was, therefore, no sorting and resorting of groups required; conversation could either be general, or in a single moment split up like broken quicksilver and roll away into appropriate co

russels carpet trimmed with what looked like horsehair. I'm sure it was not horsehair really, but probably some rare and precious material, but it looked like it; and she wore what I understood to be the famous Yeere diamonds. They were abou

n shrieked w

she cried. "Go on, Art

her tables. It is a sort of passion with a certain kind of person to know who is supping at the other tables at the Carlton, and his, or usually her, limitation that he never does. It appears t

of intent study when Arthur Naseby was talking, because she was

ing with her, and she insisted on my com

anche! what did s

erwhelmed her, just as it did me. We really knew nobody there, and sat in a corner alone in London, till Mrs. Maxwell herself left her commanding situation at t

said Mildred, "Was she

think never anything quite so tactful as that. A strange fatality pursues poor Mrs. Maxwell; she says unerringly and loudly the only thing which it is absolutely impossible to say. Blanche is not a prude, I think we are all agreed, and therefore not easily shocked. Poor Mrs. Maxwell might have

e as to laugh, and thus completely forgot all she had

ys; in fact, I hardly thought I could get here to-night. Of course, that spoiled the rest of my pleasure, and I hardly knew what happened, except that Dick turne

a canary with a piece of green baize. But, as there was no baize to hand, she got up from where she was sitting in the canary's immediate vicinity, and sought a safe distance in the window-seat. Jim Spencer, who had been sitting at the other side of the room,

Jim," said Marie, when they were seated tog

sked Jim. "I don't remember anything q

m. The truth is, I think, that on the whole people have grown rather stupider in the last year or two, or perhaps it i

lways li

s I know,

erhaps it is even odder that other people don't

n see and hear," said Marie. "Indeed, I don't believe th

husk, a husk with a

lieve there was anything more than the husk. Jim, I wonder how many of us h

or very pleasant. That being so, one tries to conceal it, though sometimes it pops out like a lizard from a crev

nybody, as you say, you would never speak to him again. Good gracious! could yo

s who was

would let a fr


it would clearly be a dangerously

entirely disagree with that. I would choose to make or keep one friend, even at the

ess than either. The worst of having been away from London so long is t

al impressions at pr

pparently beginning to run dry; the pres

rdinarily during the last few years. As far as I can make out, it does not matter now how dul

ised her

said calmly. "What e

r food and drink her wines. Then you hurry on to the next and tell them that it was the mo

a fire-breathing Japanese dragon. She blew out a great clou

ering what we all know about them, and considering that they know we all know it, it is exceedingly amusing to see them look at each other with frigid politeness. Why, only the other day Mrs. Maxwell introduced them to each other, saying she must make two great artists acquainted. Too screaming! But you are too delightful and old

eby had jo

of assorted savages, thick and thin, sticking to one!

, or we shall never get any Bridge," sai

id. "I told you I have to go on at half

on el

, Mildred. But Jack will play

oing, Lady Alsto



he was giving a


ropped you, like Mildred. I'm only going to see her about the soldiers'

ncer go

t?" he asked. "I am goi

here. They told me half an hour ago. Jack is stopping to p

seby stood still looking at them. When the

see Jim Spencer again! Oh, dear, yes, they were very great friends in the

Arthur, "and you always have something interesting to say a

ereton. "I wonder whom he will fi

hereas the perishable nature of money is always dinned into one, yet one can apparently purchase imperishable treasure by being charitable with it? No, I ca

reaks down, it is so very unreserved. I like s

s?" asked Arthur, in a low voice, as they reached

shouldn't wonder-

ain feverishness of atmosphere, not physical so much as moral, a sense of extreme hurry and pressure, the night air and the cool steadiness of the stars were refreshing, not only physically but morally. Perhaps from their years of early companionship and intimacy, perhaps from

your own, too, if you are not afraid of catch

to be,"

ave changed? Or do

ing to believe that it may be some ch

ad cloak, so as to let the air play on her uncovered neck. In another woman, he felt, this might have indi

you do not seem to me to have changed at all. We both agree, i

usk of the carriage for a

o be one of them. But I, obviously, I am afraid, felt that I was not. That is how I think yo

him one

one has a nature incapable of development. It implies a sort of moral torpor, an atrophy of one's nature not to get older as one gets older.


dden vehemen

wrong to imply, even tacitly, that one is the worse for changing. And you do me the grossest injustice when you suppose that I am in harmony with those people. I am not any more

way in silence. At

England is a plutocracy, let me tell you, Jim. It worships wealth. It will certainly worship you. How will you like it? It will really be very interesting to see how you behave.


"Is there no place in Lond

ward with a su

of the matter. Try if you can spend your money without en

ughing lightly, and drew

e afraid; I will treat you to no more outbursts. Only t

her like them. You are an inspiring person,

one do anything. One's motive has to come fro

so sure

an opened the carriage-door, "I am delighted you have come back, Jim," she said-"I really am delighted. Come and see

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