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The Insidious Dr. Fu Manchu

Chapter 7 7

Word Count: 2614    |    Released on: 28/11/2017

ry, with its broken canopy of elms and beyond the copper beech which marked the center of its mazes, a gap offered a glimpse of the W

ing fantastic terrors; to my ears, every sound a signal of dread. For the deathful hand of Fu-Ma

at the window, "we had dared to hope hi

aning my elbow upon the table, and studied the play of ex

rightly in sending

ith smoked

ur affair, I believe, stands thus: A series of attempted burglaries, or something of the kind, has alarmed your household. Yesterday, returning from London with your daughter, you were both drugge

e telephone. The man was standing by one of the windows. Directl

o with the cas

he was so frightened that she recalls nothing more, beyond the fact that she stro

e emergency cord, an

ecollection of

w-faced man was on the t

ard, but only when he ha

ely called up Scotland Yard? You acted ver

rt of surprise w

hed in palpable embarrassment-"I left China under what I may term an episcopal cloud. I have lived in retirement ever since. Unwittingly-I solemnly declare to you, Mr. Smith, unwit

n his voice. "I have been endeavoring to think where I had come across t

a girl, and slightly inclined his

plies, a moat round it? I wa

In fact, we grow cabbages in part of it. If you refer to the strategic strength of the place"-he smiled, but his manner was embarrassed again-"it is considerable. I have barbed wire fencing, an


t?" I asked, as

h sm

suggested. "Well, the deep-seated prejudices which our r

econcile the diffident personality of the clergy

years that I think it probable that someone else has only just recalled his existence to mind. The Rev. J. D. Eltham, my dear


octor held the hospital at Nan-Yang against two hundred Boxers. That's who the Rev. J. D. Eltham is! But what is he up to,

did not hold priority in the conversation. In fact, this, for

Vernon Denby, Mr. Eltham's nephew, completed the party. No doubt the girl's presen

the circumstances which were bearing my friend and me onward to u

t was so very peaceful, so almost grotesquely calm. For I, within my very bones, felt it to be the calm

Eltham, "has latterly become

n the mantelpiece afforded dim illumination. Mr. Eltham's nephew, Vernon Denby, lolled smoking

upon the house. There was an arrest, and the man confessed that he had been tempted by my c

ied Redmoat-against trespassers of any kind, I mean. You have seen that the house stands upon a kind of large mound. This is artificial

ast, is a narrow stream, a tributary of the Waverney; on the north and west, the high road, but nearly twenty feet below, the banks being perpendicular. On the south is t

ere is a gate at the foot of the steps (they are some of the origi

smiled around u

l behind. "The more vulnerable spots are connected at night with these bells," he said triumphantly. "Any attempt to scale the barbed wire or to force either ga

reated the Boxers' raid in the same spirit wherein he met would-be trespassers within the precincts of Redmoat. It had been an escapade, of which he was afterwards

m coughed

continuing the wire fence all round the grounds, but the electrical contrivance followed, later, as a result of several disturbed nights. My servants g

is prowling person, over by the Roman castrum, and described him as a yellow man. It was the incident in the train

ross the sloping lawn to where the shadows of the s

e jerked. "On our way up this evening Mr. Denby was tel

yman's fa

y, was alarming

t of his arrival it ran, barking, into the shrubbery yonder, and did not come out. He went to look for it with a lan

ut of the grounds without a ladder and someone to assist him. But there

her dog taken to howl

's death," said

an, "and he is confined in the yard. He i

dered aimlessly a

e said, "but what was the nature of the warning

esitated for

efforts, that I feel assured of your hostile criticism when I t

upon him as thoug

have you not told me before? That is the key for which I have vainly bee

t," confessed the cl

arning came


a Chin

andarin, Ye

advice? Listen to me." Smith was intensely excited now, his eyes bright, his lean

ollow you,

ant wheels! But if, as I understand, this official is a friend of yours, believe me, he has saved your life! Y

his acquaintance, "Parson Dan" showed th

ange in his voice was startling. "I am call

with intense truculence in his voice was

be able to do so! Your presence in Ho-Nan can do no possible good at presen

rds, Mr.

t, Ho-Nan is a barrel of gunpowder; you would be the lighted match. I do not willingly stand between any man

ist, Mr.

cessity for reminding you that

ersation was growing harsh and the atmosphere

short, sil

," said the clergyman. "This was my rea

and Smith, "to-day materializes under

ellow P

endship nor inquire if the hidden left holds a knife! The peace of the wor

breath, thrusting bot

I like you for it. I will reconsider my position a

resence-as oppressed me at that moment. The very atmosphere of Redmoat was impregnated with Eastern devilry; it loaded th

Greba!" whispe

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