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Selections From American Poetry

Chapter 3 Emerson.

Word Count: 317    |    Released on: 06/12/2017

on first, whose ri

ls in temples to

verse, while his ve

pr-- No, 'tis

metres; some p

hs of soul that have

s, but that does

he only hard t

no easier to m

the way you've achi

is poems are mine

heap with a cr

one thing no

but rather the

pervading, uni

onceived, unco

removing this tr

were, a chief l

, and leaves, sin

odge together, the

ck to Emerson, (

ft waiting,)-hi

ight Yankee shoul

ne pole, for t' o

re, God, and aff

as merely id

fossils stuck ro

t that our earth's

he is inclined

e earth, ninety-nine

h delight at his c

, gesture, just f

recision of scie

suspecting the wh

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