Selections From American Poetry
who's written si
lord: well, let's
fer that descri
s certainly che
no pains to con
es say) the A
lve men, and l
novels of which
bet that, with
be all, to a man
he's character, t
's plucked that i
rn world, and, the
ght but copy it
ith proper res
Bumpo daubed
ng Toms are the
ck pants and a
a Coffin, a good
he old fellow a
n-figures are cl
chemise of a
sieged, when his
n poles to be se
draws from one
aples and flat
r's wanted, he
ould do in co
staves, of their
together as tigh
fortune should cr
most something w
would underrate C
do that, I should f
ve given to on
existence, are
m all, both prose-
ning the bounds
n't go to ob
parson or Pri
g in Cooper I like
he lectures his
o either, becau
his tickets i
rcharge his Am
there's a good de
e man who is w
repute for the
hought, be his cau
r half for the f
what vengeance the
the upper ten th