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Senator North

Chapter 5 No.5

Word Count: 3404    |    Released on: 06/12/2017

waved hair low on her neck, and the pale green velvet of her gown lifted its dull mahogany hue and the deep Southern whiteness of her skin. She did not

turally as children do to the maternal woman; even when they did not love her they liked to be near her, for she recalled some vague ideal. She knew her power perfectly, and after one or two memorable lessons had put from her the tem

n the sculptor's sense, and repose combined with alertness, and they stood very squarely on their feet. Betty had only had time to single out one long beard dependent from

e had less repose than most of the men about him, but he suggested the same solidity. He might fail or go wrong, but not because there was any room in his mind for shams. His name was Burleigh, but what his section was, Betty, as they exchanged amenities and admired the lavish display of flowers, could not determine; he

to-night?" she asked, when the

had enough of po

," said Betty, in a de


" he

Committees, I thought it was to talk politics, and-and-settle it amicably or something." Betty could look infantil

w days, and we usually are amiable. We are merely dining out to-night in each other's good company. Still, I guess your desire

tty, triumphantly. "I have been waiting

t to practise law as soon as I knew enough, and I

ent note in his voice did not indicate subservience to party bosses. She determined to writ

enators here to-nigh

oup that is pressing close upon their heels; and myself, who am a new member: I've been here four years only. Would you mind te

the last two years, and my mother prefers ratt

ith Lady Mary, but that rosebush

r there by Mrs. Shattuc,-the woma

erest. "You like women," she exclaimed. "

ke woman's dress. If you'll pardon me, that combination of pale green and whi

man's dress! How hard

is manner was a trifle patronizing, as of a prominent man used to the admiration of pr

s half asleep," sh

irman of one Committee and serving on two others; and all h

n't look

Who on earth ever s

eard his S

h we are ridden at present tried to buy its Legislature and put their man in. But Ward won his fight without the expenditure of a dollar beyond paying for the band

tention of remaining for life?

Senate,-it is the highest honour in the Republic,-he should feel that he is dedicating himself to

approval. "Oh, I am glad

what, m

r ruling interest, and of the opposition of her mother and cousin. Senator Burleigh listened with deep attention

u'll do yourself good and us good. Mind you stand to your guns. Would you min

almost forgotten the Elizabeth.

turned and regarded he

am forty-four,-my father, who was in Congress before me, was a great friend of your father's. He wears a watch to this day that Mr. Mad

dinner with the son of one of papa's hated boon companions. My mother is a lovely intelligent woman," she added hastily,

direction. And anything you want to know I'll be glad to tell you. Can't I take you up to the Senate to-morrow and put you in o

e form first, as my poor mother must not have too many shocks. Will

politics; not bills, however, but the possibility of war with Spain. I don't think I shall, though. Tell

land off the coast of Florida called Cuba. It has many nati

but a lot of negroes and frightfully di

re things than politics,-humanity, for instance. Forget that you are a Southerner, divorce yourself from traditions, and try to imagine sev

e looked at her with deepening admiration,-a fact the tears did not prev

one can tell. The leading men in Congress are indifferent, and won't even listen to recognizing the Cubans as belligerents.

Do you w

e Senate. "Of course I want it. Every human instinct I have compels me to want it, and I cannot understand the apathy and conservatism w

lonial misrule. The history was told in head-lines, so to speak, but it was graphic and convincing. Betty nodded encouragingly and asked an occasional intelligent question. She knew the history of Spain as thoroughly as he did, but she would not have told him so for the world. It is only the woman with a certain masculine fibre in her brain who ever

smen's wives, nor has the wild rush and wear and tear of official society chopped up your individuality into a hundred little bits. It would be brutal to mention politics to a woman in political life, and consequently we feel as if no one takes any interest in us unless she has an axe to grind. But you are wha

who would waste no time on the study of woman's subtleties: he knew what he wanted, and re

he men, possibly because they were women. They certainly looked more intelligent than the average one sat with during the trying half-hour after dinner; but their conversation was fragmentary, and they oddly suggested having left their personality at home an

ds in various ways. They have no time to be selfish,-rich or poor,-and they have acquired the art of disposing of bores and de

n two hours in my life. My

w him quite

ere occupied wit

nd each other. He wants to meet you a

days when I was only interested in possible p

he, the s

d that the political beard was not on Senator North. He w

d long looked forward to the pleasure of meeting the famous Miss Betty Madison. Senator Shattuc was in his late fifties, but it was evident that the cares of Congress had not smothered his appreciation of a pretty woman. He had a strong face a

he ever had hurried or wasted his energies or lost his self-control in his life. His face was impenetrable; his eyes, black and piercing, were wholly without that limpidity which reveals depths and changes of expression; his m

made of New England rock, and he looks as if the earth could swallow him before he'd yield an inch. But

turned at once to Lady Mary. A moment later he h

rgotten it." "Oh,-I think I do remember it. Yes-I do." She evoked the incident out of the mists of childish memories. "

his face repellent. His eyes defied investigation, but his mouth relaxed into a smile that was very kind, and his voice had almost a caress in it. But at the moment she was

aid with a little p

ing her hand. "Good-night. I shall lo

ner," he said discontentedly, as they walked down the hall, "and now you are going. But you will come to the Senate

d on her way to her own room and

" she w

sked a se

ns, and he was simply charming. So were all the others, and I never met a

ned and turned he

toothpick, and I d

ow me to go

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