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Senator North

Chapter 7 No.7

Word Count: 621    |    Released on: 06/12/2017

she came upon a box of Cuban cigars. They could have been her father's only and of his sp

she came to the note which must accompany it, she paused before the difficulties which mechanically presented themselves. Senator North might naturally feel surprise to receive a present from a young woman with whom he had talked exactly six minutes. If she wrote playfully, offering a small tribute at the shrine of statesmanship, he might wonder if she work

ator who had turned every aristocrat out of office in his aristocratic Southern State and filled the vacancies with men of his own humble origin. He was a burly untidy-looking man, and frequently as uncouth in speech, a demagogue and excitable. But the Senate, now that three years in that body had toned him down, conceded his ability and took his abuse with the utmost good-nature. Betty recalled his biography as sketched by Senator Burleigh, and noted that almost every Senator wheeled about with an expression of lively interest, as his reiterated "Mr. President, Mr. P

want to give those cigars to Senator North?-to give him anything? What a little ninny he would have thought me!" She puzzled long over this deflection from her usual imperi

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