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Shadow, the Mysterious Detective


Word Count: 1234    |    Released on: 06/12/2017

ich he opened by aid of the pass-key taken from the capture

s was his light tread, so light that none but

ng it out, he had gained such additional knowledge as he required, which was principally that the movable a

ugh the floor behind the counter was

cellar, and there was guided forward by the light

suspicion of his proximity, and obtained a hasty althou

asy work, and had alre

f their number were engaged in bri

ow could not retreat without

d edging away, paused only when a d

lars passed, entering the

bank building. In this he was mistaken, for while one returned the other

tive was

otted the very minute a light was brought into the cellar. While it was dark, an

an attempt to reach the stairs and m

h, he took a step

ok one more step

not bee


he was u

l, he would glide along several feet. In this manner he had nearly reach

ay when compared with the tac

could not comprehend, but, as he heard no movement to


squeaked, notwithstanding h

ls so that they had not been heard, now perf

dging towar

ot, as Shadow reach

ight by hearing the sigh of relief which unconsciously

rush up-stairs by

ent of the stairs that Shadow had no ti

t on him, after which there was a grand rush at him,

aimed. "Poor Mrs. Morris-how h

e I was

to my pocket, and now


ly said

e my eye lighted on, turned on the gas, and in less than five seconds from

f revolvers, before the rascals had ceased to gasp

de a rush toward the tr

n the counter, kneeling in a position

a bullet in his noddle!" I grimly told them, and they halt

e in,

to my

fairly cornered, and the wisest

ice. "We're almost as many as they are,

e men made a wild, although i

my men, and then aimed a

ver, was aiming at my h

r his, and I pul


sank to the floor, wit

shoot every man who

did as d

heir leader completely demoralized the remainder, and dropping

minutes we had th

ick, I put up my revolver, but not before; and

moments of excitement like this through which I had p

on the floor at the farther side of the r

t! Poor

id just where I had last seen Shadow standing, in the

dy, and-it was n

feet and glanced about the room. But naught was to be

of the hall. Then, I thought, he

stairs, we could find


o, not the wisest o

had escaped with his life, when

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