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The Lost City


Word Count: 2286    |    Released on: 28/11/2017

er of their four-footed visitors of the past evening, then the brothers Gillespie sprung forth from the fl

ut Waldo was not to be outdone so easily, and, reckless of the consequences, he p

nd Waldo vanished from sight for a few seconds, then reappearing with lusty puff

d to the standard of truth, and

le cry of alarm; but ere the elder brother could take further action, Waldo swung his right arm upward an

o camp right here for a year to

himself, Waldo had floundered ashore, leaving a yeasty turmoil in his wake,

imper! The hole's ramjammed chuck full of trout, and we'll

ht to light, really surprised, but feigning

ong have you carried this about

am its nose in one of my pockets, and of course I had to take him in out of the wet. Pool's just fu

h his dripping garments. He gave a coltish prance, as he turned to seek his fishing tackle; but, unfortunately for his hop

foolish child! Come, strip to the buff, and put on s

e the freshly started fire, ruefully watching his brother deftly handle rod and line, in

lly lamented Waldo, when the catch was displayed with an ostentation which may have

ether, after you've cleaned the trout

e, then bowed head in joined hands, to sob in heartfelt fashion,

never sin again in like manner, provided he could find forgiveness now. And then, with deft touch, that s

morsel slipped along his spine, and duckin

and you've caugh

wisdom to interfere now, and, ere long, matters quieted down, all hands engag

kfast was despatched it was fully restored, and of the trio, Wa

mouth full of crisply fried mountain trout, "where the game comes begging

Amerigo," interjecte

tort, with a portentous frown. "But, joking aside, why not? With such hunting a

tion, and such discoveries

y mean it all,

rpose of a napkin, Professor Featherwit brought forth pipe and pouch, maintaining silence u

redit, my lads; or, in fact, than I would be wholly willing to confess. And it was with a

for that, where would we have been, yeste

n't have been: inside

trout in your clothes without the t

without you let up harping on that old stri

on. We're like colts in fresh pasture, this

aring into the glowing camp-fire with eyes which surely saw more than yellow coals or rudd

instant later, forcing a bright smile as he glanced from face to face. "And why not? How better could my last years be employed th

in spite of himself, by that intensely earnest tone and expression. "Of course, I k

that there are hundreds upon hundreds of square miles of terra incognita, lying in this corner of Washington Territory. No white man ever fairly penetrated

rdinary to see or experience, shouldn't w

cope of country, go where you will among the natives, question whom you see fit, as to its secrets, and you will meet with the same results: a deep-seated awe, a belief which cannot be shaken, th

d incredulity, but Bruno gave him a covert kick, himself too d

c professor. "Undoubtedly, there is at least a fair spice of that; but, even so, enough

pe of country they dominate, the position they fill, you must likewise realise one other fact: that an immens

why not, unc

s waters? For it is an acknowledged fact that, though rivers and brooks surely ex

to let his words take full effect,

eve to be the truth as far as it goes, why does that lake never overflow? Of all that surely must drain into its basin, be that enormously wide and deep as it may,

illespie ventured a solution; then th

other manner can that be than-through a sub

his, while Waldo broke forth in wor

a trip through the centre of the earth, or

ughed Bruno, in turn. "That might serve, but; unfortunate

squelched!" sighed

vacant gaze into the fire, his face bearing a rapt express

urus, in company with the gigantic plesiosaurus! Upon whose sloping shores

war-whoops, and dealing tremendous blows upon an imaginary enemy, spouting at the top of his v

erence for their uncle, caught the youngster, and

t's next thing to a museum and m

yet unable to wholly smother a laugh,

shful laugh. Whether so intended or not, he had been brought down

er our riding in the centre of a tornado for uncounted miles, coming forth with hardly a

; the last one perished thousands upon

o doubt, within the glacier which finally cast it forth to human view; yet who would have credited such a discovery, only fifty years ago? He who dared to even hint at such a thing would have been derided and

t Waldo was not so readily impressed, and

mbitious as all that comes to. M

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