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The Adventure Girls at Happiness House

The Adventure Girls at Happiness House



Word Count: 919    |    Released on: 06/12/2017

halt before the two story frame building that did duty for

es and their luggage from the railway coach to the station platform. From there they

ggage," Carol Carter declared with firm

behind the station and then at the bus. "You can walk,"

young ladies goin

an approaching from the station. "If ye

der than he is," Madge Reynold

on hold together?"

ain't fell apart yet," the driver said, climbing i

it never will," Phy

uggage for the most part piled on the roof, and the anci

Carol murmured. "The way the radiator

agreed Janet. "Which reminds

the driver informed

the hillside and the driver settled back c

lton said to Gale Howard, "wouldn't you think they would h

ith all the disgust possibl

gh for you yet. Even the new Dean can't junk old Lizzie." He patted the steer

ned. "Isn't Professor Ha

' this new one come up here about three weeks ago. She

nd her rule at Briarhurst. The Dean had been much beloved by the girls. The

e new Dean?" Janet

got no business tryin' to change things that been goin' on all

stay?" Phyllis

on't like her,"

mean the teachers and other mem


o make them dislike

tions about a new bus and sports for the young ladies. We old ones ain't goin' to stand for it,

ld lunge for her handbag as the bus navigated a deep rut with a series of protesting groans from the f

is and Gale were fortunate enough to win a room in the sorority house of Omega Chi, and this was only through the efforts of their former High School teach

e sorority house next

ill leave you two to face the drag

hey surveyed their future home interestedly while standing in the midst of their baggage which the d

ll go in," Phyl

eranda and these viewed wit

bag in either hand she followed Phyllis up the steps and into

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