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The Adventure Girls at Happiness House

Chapter 9 BAD NEWS

Word Count: 1899    |    Released on: 06/12/2017

humor. At least her own room and Phyllis' didn't look like this and this room belonged to Juniors! Cautiously she bent down and looked under the bed. Yes, it was here. She pulle

shoved the case beneath the bed

the room without being seen. She hid in the depths behind the dresses. The door

e them?" Marcia's voi

belonging to Marcia

e notes for Pro

tes-here they are! Le

come. Gale lost no time in making her way out of their room. Sh

et it?" Va

lief. "I did, and I nearly got caught. Marcia

hey se

the sheet of paper. "I hid in the

he note which the girls ha

by Marcia's typewriter were even and clear cut. It was evide

ck and looked

apers together. "Exhibit A is

rol burst in fo

ching?" Va

t?" Gale wa

rofessor's," Car

net. "We covered them both. Are

one of them were alike and none of them resembled the typing in the mysterious note. The type

sgustedly. "We had all

n by any machine here at

True, it might

whom we could blame all these mysterious happenings, and

o find some mor

cavenger hunt. We will make the items for the girls to bring in mostly typewriter

spicious. He could smash his machine then," Carol sa

go and visit Phyllis," Ja

vote was

y were passing the East Campus Dormitory where Jane

ants to see you-and she is angry

atter of a broken windo

?" Gale asked.

ok at Carol. She dodged and

y. "A Freshman trick! I am

e Freshman said smiling, "abou

trick!" Ja

slipped and fell against it. I couldn't help i

s it pushed?" Caro

have to go in,

t was a week now since the second accident and she wanted to get back to Happiness House and on her feet. She did not like

osed the door to Phyllis' room behind her she noticed the Doctor standing in the hall. She beckoned to Gale and

noted the tenseness of the Doctor's expression

gloomily. "There

Dean?" Gale asked, the myste

ng up and pacing to the win

e said with quiet convict

nd leaned against the corne

a woman is Mis

y surprise. Why should sh

n't exactly pleasant," she said at last

?" Doctor Norc

re astounde

s a big house-but not lavishly. She is sendin

e? I mean, would she do

chair and looked sq

y don't you ask Phyllis these t

le's shoulder. "Because unless your friend has an op

to her. Phyllis helpless! Phyllis never t

do? I'll do anything!" she told th

l cost money. Unl

faintly. "How much would you ch

not a surgeon. But we would have to get a good one-

ou told her?

nkly, I haven

e agreed simply. "It i

r said. "Between us perhaps we

cross her eyes. "I can't t

. We will talk about

e door. "Do you think we

e while. There is no use to frighten her. When we tel

so gay in the face of tremendous odds, was faced now with a sterner bit of life than had yet confront

nt to put up the money for the operation Phyllis would suffer. The injustice of it hurt Gale. She was Phyllis' friend, Phyllis had saved her and the Dean at thi

ed her with a little optimism. After all, Miss Fields couldn't be as harsh as all that! She wouldn't want Phyllis to suffer if she could help

offered her by the old bus driver. She wanted to be alone

self upon the bed and smothered her sobs in the pillow. Her tears were all for Phyllis; for her own helpless position, helpless to aid the fr

eagle eyes caught sight of you sneaking in just now

iping away her

ing Bronchos! Don't tell me

o simple,"

s back on the ranch," Ricky mourned. "I sometimes wish I had stayed t

Ricky everything t

She sniffed. "You'll have me crying

ead. "We don't w

ther girls," Ricky advised wisely.

. I've telegraphed her Aunt to come. The Do

and have your din

not h

But we have to eat something. Remem

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